Naomi, Paige, AJ Lee, and Camron

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When I was in catering I was tackled with a bunch of " Congrats girl!" Hey champ!" or " I can't mess with you!" I told everyone thank you for the compliments. I went over to get a Powerade when two people stopped me at the same time. It was Dean and Seth. " Hay guys." I said a bit nervous. I think Seth noticed because he pulled me into a hug and said " Hey it's ok I won't let Dean hurt you." he told me teasing Dean. Dean walked up about to punch Seth but I got in the middle of them so I could block Dean. " Guys stop I really don't have time for your problems." I said and pulled my phone out and sat at a table by myself because I didn't really know anyone.

After about 5 minuetes I saw 4 people sit next to me. They were Naomi, Paige, AJ Lee, and Camron. " Ummm hi." I said to them " Hey girl I like what you did out there. You stole the show." Naomi said. I couldn't help but smile and say " Thanks" Hey girls to celebrate we should go out to the hottest club in Cinncinati." Paige said " But here's the thing Ms. England we don't know where the hottest club is." AJ said so I decided to put my input in. " Hey maybe we can ask Dean?" I asked them. " Maybe YOU can." Camron said with a sly smile. I think she said that because she the situation between me, Seth, and Dean.

" Why me?" I moaned " Because apparently Dean has a thing for you." AJ giggled " Yeah when he saw you in the hallway he was extremly quiet when he left Stephanie's office after walking you there." Camron said. They seemed like really cool girls but I couldn't be friends with them unless I told them my really huge secret. So I decided to go and ask Dean. I went to Dean as he was sitting with Roman Regins, Dolph Ziggler, John Cena, and Erik Rowan who was sitting as still as a mouse. I actually thought that dude was only acting but yep it's for real. I tapped Dean on the shoulder. When he looked at me everyone at the table looked at me. I felt my face get hot. " Ummm ... Dean can I talk to you for a minuete?" Ummm ... sure." he said sounding a little suprised. I walked him out of catering and into the hallway. " So what's up?" he asked me " Well I know this will sound weird but the girls asked if you knew the best club in Cinncinati.

He just gave me a good 2 minuete stare. It really made me uncomfortable and self-consious. Then he finally answered and said " The Comet if you want to get drunk as hell or if you want something scary The Rake's End." Thank you." I told him and went back to the girls. " Well that took forever." Camron and  Paige said " Whatever next time your doing it Camron!" I told her while laughing. " Anyway what did he say?!" Naomi said trying to get to the point. " Well he said The Comet if we want to get "drunk as hell " or if we want something scarier like The Rake's End." Ooohhh I'm pretty sure Dean wants you to get drunk as hell." AJ said making kissy faces. I just rolled my eyes. " I think we should go to The Rake's End." Paige said " Sounds like you." Camron told her. We all laughed. " Hey you never told us your name." Paige said " Kayla " That's really pretty." I heard a familiar voice say.

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