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It was Dean. I looked at the girls who looked as shocked as I was. " Ummm ... Thanks." I told him. " Anyway I overheard you guys saying that you were going to Rake's End so we wanted to ask if we could tag along." Before I could answer Paige said " Of course I'm pretty sure Kayla agrees right Kayla?" I swear I could of punched the shit out of her but I didn't I just glared at her and said " Yeah." Alright thanks guys." Dean said and kissed me on the cheek. I could of swore everybody's eyes popped out of their heads including mine. When he left my face was hot and you could see the red through my chocolate skin.

" Oh ... My ... Fucking ... God." was all I could get out at this point. I turned around to look at Dean and his face was as red as a tomato. " AAAHHH!!!" the girls screamed. I was just speechless.

Dean's P.O.V

" I can't believe you guys dared me to do that!!!" I yelled at the boys. " Dude your face is redder than a tomato!!!" Dolph said while laughing " Alright guys let's save this until Dean and Kayla get to the haunted house together and start cuddling!" John and Roman laughed. Erik let out a little chuckle and said " Ha ha Dean." very slowly while smiling " I would like to see that." he said all weird. " Yeah Dean while your at it why don't you kiss her!" Roman teased me. After that I was completly done with them so left into the hallway.

 When I went in there I saw Kayla. When she saw me we both started blushing. " Hey" I said " Hi" her smooth, beautiful voice said. " I'm sorry about what happened in there. I got dared," I said and she let out a giggle and all I could do was smile. This certain part of me wants to hold her in my arms and never let go and the other part is saying " keep your distance" and I'm listening to that part. We barley know each other.  " It's ok." she said snapping me out of my thoughts. " Speaking of dares," she added " I dare you to walk into that wall with your eyes closed. I need a good laugh." Why me?" I whined " Because if I do it won't be funny." Fine." I said and walked into the wall. When I did it Kayla burst out laughing. I couldn't help but laugh to because I didn't really walk into the wall. As we were laughing our eyes met. We just sat there starring into each other's eyes until I felt myself walking up to her and putting my hand on her cheek. We leaned in to the point where our lips almost touched. When she stopped me.

" Sorry I didn't mean to do that." she told me and went back into the room.  " Shit I was so close!" I said to myself and went back into the room.


Hey guy's It's me Kiandra {key-on-dra} That link down there under the story {if it's even there} is a song from One Direction called " 18 " It probably isn't really about the story but it is a good song. Anyway please like, comment, heart, whatever. Please follow me at deanambroseluvsme12. Luv ya!!!

Dean Ambrose Love Story ( Finished )Where stories live. Discover now