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It's been two weeks since Dean and got back together after he didn't talk to me for two weeks then broke up with me.

We are still scared to tell dad about all that stuff because he's really protective. Let me give you an example: Dolph was drunk a couple of days ago and he slapped the shit out of Sam and I tried to help get him away from her. I was winning until he slapped the hell out of me. So, when dad came he saw the hand prints and told Dean to put his hand on the prints to make sure it wasn't his. Dean's hands were way to big so we told him it was Dolph's print and when dad found Dolph at the arena in catering he almost took Dolph's head off. It took Dean, Roman, John Cena, Triple H, and Titus O'Neal to get him off. When we got to Dolph he was passed out on the ground and I don't want that to happen to my boyfriend. Yes, I sound selfish.

It would be weird to kiss someone with swollen lip but now Samantha and Dolph are taking it slow.

I forgot to tell you they called off the engagement also after that incident. But trust and believe dad wasn't the only person Dolph got his ass whoped from.

 During his match I went in the ring and did my signature move on him " Diamond " It's when you jump off the second rope and drop kick a person in the jaw. Trust me it took a LOT of time to master that trick.

When I got up he was out like a light. Then I heard my dad's music and he came out, rolled in the ring, and gave me a hug and a high five. He grabbed a mic and said " That's a lesson Layla don't mess with my daughter or your gonna see diamonds like Dolph. Also, Dolph don't lay another hand on my child. " Dad then threw the mic at Adam Rose, Dolph's opponent.

After RAW was over Dean and I went to our hotel room.

We both took showers and decided to watch Titanic.

Then the part with Rose and Jack in the water and Jack telling Rose to let him go and save herself made me think, " Would Dean ever do that for me?" Then I re-thought it and said," He's not that type of guy." To myself. Dean must've heard me and he said, " Who's not that type of guy?" Oh nothing." I lied. When the movie was almost over I was crying into Jon's shoulder while he was holding me. It as good to know I could cry into his shoulder.

After the movie was over Jon put my fav show How I Met Your Mother on as he drifted off to sleep.

Then I saw Barney and Robin together smiling and saying ' I Love You ' At least that's what my mind said they were saying in my head but it my heart hurt a little bit because Jon never tells me he loves me before we go to bed. As I was thinking I started crying with a horrible heartache. My low sobs filled the room because I turned the tv off. I couldn't bear to see everyone happy when I wasn't.

Little did Jon know I've been thinking like this for a while even before we broke up.

I don't know if I still love him the way I did when we first met.

I mean, everytime I bring up having kids and getting married he completly shakes off the subject and starts talking about something new and I hate that.

What if he never wants a family as much as I do? Or even get married?

Thinking about that made me cry even harder. That's one of the main reasons I never fall in love because I'm afraid of doing this, crying to the point where I could barely breath and having horrible heartache.

I got up got dressed and went to take a walk to stop myself from crying and catch my breath.

When I looked at my phone it was three in the morning and I knew this beautiful tea shop that was open at this time so I walked there.

When I got there I was greeted by smiling people who were making tea. I ordered some and sat at a small table by myself.

As I was looking at pictures of me and Jon on my phone a little girl about the age of four came up to me with peice of paper and a lavendar marker.

" Hi sweet pea what's your name?" I said gently taking the marker out the little girl's hand " Juliet " The little girl said in a sweet, innocent voice. " What a beautiful name. " I told Juliet then a adorable smile spread across her face.

I gave her a hug and her paper and watched her walk back to her seat.

I left the place five minuets after and went back to my room.When i got there Jon was awake panicing so I went behind him and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and gave me huge hug. He looked at me with his blue, puffy eyes and said, " I thoght you left me babe." and hugged me again, "Btw why are your eyes puffy?" I avoided the question and asked " Why are your eyes puffy?" No reason." Exactly" I said to him.

When he let go of me he kissed me.

It really wasn't the kind of kiss I usually I get.

I felt incomplete and wrong but I shook it off and got packed.

As I was packing Jon and my clothes he went to take another shower.

When he was in the shower his phone started vibrating. It was a text message from Renee Young.

It said, " Hey babe when r u coming to see me I miss you! xxx "

I was in complete shock, After everything I've done for him he cheates on me?!!! I cried all night for him. I can't love anybody this is the reason!!!

Jon walked out the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. I looked at him and said, " Really Jon? Your cheating on me now? " I said with tears in my eyes, " Baby I can explain. " Jon said with his hands up walking towards me. I just blew up saying, " STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!!!! I TRUSTED YOU AND YOU KNEW OUT OF ALL PEOPLE THAT I HAD HARD TIME FALLING IN LOVE AND YOU TOOK ADVANTAGE OF THAT!!! HOW COULD YOU I LOVED YOU!!! I CRIED ALL NIGHT BECAUSE WE WERE'NT GETTING ANYWHERE IN THIS RELATIONSHIP AND I SEE WHY!!! WHY DON'T YOU LEAVE AND GET SOMEWHERE WITH RENEE?!! " I screamed at Jon throwing his phone at him.

I got the rest of my stuff and said, " Have a nice life." then left Jon there alone.


Hay guys I'm back. anyway please please comment I need to hear your ideas and Jon is Dean. Luv ya!!!

Dean Ambrose Love Story ( Finished )Where stories live. Discover now