Chapter Six

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“What’re you doing here,” I asked, slightly perturbed

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“What’re you doing here,” I asked, slightly perturbed.

“I tried to call you, man” Matt said, “but it went straight to voicemail.”

“Shit, I forgot to put my phone on the charger.”

I grabbed the cord from the coffee table and plugged it into the wall. It took a minute for the phone to turn itself back on.

“I know we were gonna meet at the club, but I just wanted to make sure you’re good with me asking Blake for her help.”

I reached into the fridge and pulled pull a beer, holding out one to Matt.

He shook his head. “I’m good, thanks.”

“Yeah, I’m fine with the two of you working on that thing you were talking about.”

Hell, I didn’t even remember what it was that they were talking about. Not that it was important…

Blake was only an event planner; it’s not like she was out there saving the world or anything.

“Okay, cool,” Matt said. “I just didn’t wanna overstep or anything, since I’ll be working alongside her on it, but you’re welcome to come with us on Monday.”

I involuntarily laughed. “Nah, you guys go ahead and do what you need. I’m sure I can find someone…I mean something to keep me occupied. It’s all good.”

Matt tilted his head. “What’s that supposed to mean?”


“You basically just told me that you could find someone else to keep you busy. Are the two of you not exclusive?”

I shrugged. “I mean, sure, she’s my girlfriend, but if I get an itch and she’s not around to take care of it and someone else is, I’m not gonna sit around and suffer. You get me?”

Matt shook his head, but I didn’t fucking care. If he didn’t like it, he didn’t have to. What I did was none of his damn business.

“That’s fucked up, man. I won’t lie,” Matt said. “But it’s not any of my business what you do. Anyway, I just wanted to make sure you were cool with us hanging out to plan the party.”

I nodded, getting bored with this shit. “Yep, all good.”

I downed the rest of the beer and reached for my keys. “You wanna ride with me since you’re already here?”
Matt shook his head. “I can drive you. I’ll need my truck in the morning anyway.”

I was glad he offered. That way, if that itch popped up tonight, I could get it taken care of without worrying about how to get him home.

“Alright, let’s get out of here then.”



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