episode 7

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eve and michael stood there, unfazed, to the witches stares. both wore a small smirk and stood tall as they looked at surprise on both their faces.

"how dare you show up here" mallory attempts to put on some sort of brave and fought front but eve only chuckles and replies;

"have you not been searching for us? well we are here. what you gonna do about it?" cordelia steps forward to stand beside the younger. michael immediately becomes serious, stepping closer, seeing this as a threat. eve calmly place her hand on his arm. "they cannot do anything, you know this. it is alright"


what the witches were unaware of that the pair had prepared, they wasted no time or thought in ensuring their safety. they spent day after day thinking of the perfect way to get rid of the threat the witches presented. eve intensified michael's 'training' which was by no means an easy task. both would become frustrated, arguably their fear of the witches succeeding in erasing michael's existence is why they were so easily irritated. the first route of upset between the two was michael's endless questions such as why was he the antichrist? eve did learn to love and find in naive nature cute over time but right now? it was pissing her off.

"michael please, i will try to answer all these questions when we actually have the time. for now can you just try this spell for me?" the boy stared blankly at her for a little while before sighing.

"how can i try to do something when i do not understand why i can do it?" eve was actually perplexed at this question and had to quickly bite her tongue. she almost laughed before remembering his sensitive nature

"oh honey, i do not know how to even try to answer that. all i will say is that if we cannot get at least one of these spells mastered? you are one dead bitch" michael's eyes grew wide and he cleared his throat before nodding his head.

"okay what to do i do again?"


"what do you mean we cannot do anything? we are witches, extremely powerful. so powerful i could easily snap-" cordelia was cut of abruptly by eve;

"ohh look at me, iam a witch and i could snap your neck blah blah blah. is your head ever out of your ass?" michael chuckled which evidently enraged the pair witches even more, making them raise their rights hands in sync to punish the two. unexpectedly to them but were met with nothing, not a thing happened. confused, mallory and cordelia turn to each other beforeonce again attempting to snap the necks of the smug faces planted in front of them.

"i thought you were the all mighty witches, not going to do anything?" michael stated before a slow and sinister smile appeared upon his face striking a fear that the neither of the witches knew lived in them

"cordelia, this is who i was trying to warn you about" her voice trembled " please you have to do something"

"you can do nothing." eve spoke up, not allowing any chance for the supreme to reply. "you see you witches always think you are the most powerful beings, you think by studying in your little sad groups in your nice house means you are untouchable. well, let me just tell you right now that you are wrong. because you are staring at two individuals much more powerful, smarter and, just to boost my ego, attractive." cordelia scoffed at the final remarked, surprised at  just how ridiculous the woman in front of her was acting

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