Chapter 07. I am not drunk.

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'I'm not mad, I just thought your face should be bloody'

~ben taylor


I peeked, bringing my head sideways just a little, in order to scan the corridor. It was almost empty, beside the peon who was looking like he was just about to leave.

Slowly, as cautious as I can get with my legs betraying me, I hurried tip-toed like a drunk cat and passed through the corridor.

I kept walking through the hallway of eighth floor, where Mr Jones's office is situated probably, as all the main paper filling and auditing work goes on there. I started rumbling, door to door and there I found it in the last second corner, engraved in golden shiny plate on the front of the door.

Mr Oliver Jones.

It made a soft creek sound as I slightly place my hand on it. What? Was it that easy?

Yesterday, after leaving the office, I informed Kali about the juicy stuff that I discovered back there. And yes, I left Mr Dickard Ball in the office because wasn't that in my plan from the very starting.

So, when I told Maze about the file, he couldn't believe it. No, I mean literally, he isn't capable of believing that I'm not as useless as he think I am.

His words still ranged at the back of my head as a constant reminder, 'Woman, get your brain out of your ass. It's a completely useless information, but if you're so sure go, investigate yourself.' But what ignited my nerves is that Kali agreed with him on this.

As a result, I somehow found myself inside the bar drinking vodka shot with lime.

But nothing to worry, I cannot get drunk. I'm completely immune to that. Thankyouverymuch. I just drank a couple of shots. And here I am completely sober, walking on the path, to take my revenge and proof my self to fucking Maze that I'm not useless.

Tossing my thoughts at the backside of my head, I pushed the door a little open, not caring if anyone might be in there, that was the last thing I could've thought right now, pulling out a pepper spray and sprayed it between the gap. Ha! Even if anyone could've been there, they would be grilled by now. I'm so smart.

I stepped inside the room and smirked as I found it completely empty. Soon, I started rummaging through the bookshelf, flipping through the pages, just in case.
Hell, I don't even know how the file looks like. But I can always use sixth sense. I can send telepathic signal through my brain. Yeah, cool stuff , I know. I can al- Shut up, Thunder!

Striding forward towards his desk, I hurried my investigation as I worked my hands on the files laying on the desk, flipping through the contents, but none seems to have any information about Mr Scott.

I started searching through drawers after drawers while lingering a little to one particular.
Hmm....penthouse pet of the month.

Resuming my work, I kept checking through the cabinets and shelves, boxes and vases. Nothing.
I huffed, standing, dusting off my hands as I placed them on my hips while eyeing the whole rooms with droopy eyes.
Think, thunder..think.

That file was freaking important. Why it would be lying lazily on the desk. It should be kept somewhere safe. Think, where would you hide it if it was yours?

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