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My handcuffs get unlocked and I get thrown onto a bed. I use my forearms to support me back up. The doors close. "What the hell?" I say, sitting up and looking at the black pillowcases and the dark grey spread. "Well. In need of a splash of color, are we?" I say, getting off the bed. The chairs are also a darkish gray and the coffee table is black. "Is your palette only black and grey? My god." I say, sighing. I turn and look at the turned off TV.

I make my way to the couch, which is a lighter grey, and sit down. "At least they're softer than they look." I look at the remote on the table. I look back at the blank TV. "Might as well." I pick up the remote and turn on the TV. The TV makes a "ding" sound and shows the logo.

Once it fully powers on, the news station appears. "This just in, another group of people killed outside of the famous pizza joint known as "The Pep in Your Step" locals say it's the 4th time this has happened this month." The newsperson says. I lean back and continue watching. I sigh as they show the crime scene with the chalk outlines and the yellow tape. "Looks like Redeye is on a rampage again. Must be nice." I say, yawning.

I set the remote down beside me and close my eyes. The news station is slowly becoming distant as I doze off. Before completely falling asleep, I am jolted awake by the sound of the door opening and closing. "Kitty~ Are you here?~" Shouta says. I sigh and punch the air. "I do have a fucking name." I say, turning down the TV. He arrives around the pillar separating the opening from the living half.

"Made yourself comfortable?" he says, sitting down close to me. "What else was I supposed to do? What on the bed for you~ Like hell I would." I say, in a stubborn tone. I fold my arms and get up. I get stopped by the sudden grip on my thigh. "!" I almost screamed. "Sit back down for me." He says, gently pulling me back down.

I plop back down and huff. "Bitch ass." I whisper. "Let go of me." I move my thigh only to get dragged closer and my side being grabbed. Soon enough, Shouta is on top of me, pinning me down.

"Oop-" I thought to myself. His grip is so strong and tight. My eyes widen. "Kitty~" he coos. I mentally cringe and squirm. "Shouta...I have a name." I say. He smirks and chuckles. "I know. It's Y/N L/N. I did my research." He responds. "I just like kitty more." He lowers himself and kisses my neck. I twitch and squirm more.

"Found it~" he says in a growling tone. "Wha...?" I suddenly feel a wave of pain and pleasure throughout my body. "What'd...what'd you do?" I barely get out from my heavy breathing. He lifts his head and licks his lips. "Took a little bite~" he says. I feel myself starting to blush.

"No! Don't give him the luxury of knowing." I think to myself, trying not to heat up. "Come to bed with me~" he says, rather seductively. I shake my head no. "Hell no." I say. He gently caresses my cheek with his free, rough hand. "You don't have much of a choice." He says. "Bet I do." I say.

I kick the remote off the couch, making a loud noise as the battery panel and batteries fall off and scatter on the floor. He glances at them. I activate my quirk on him. He slowly starts ascending upwards, but I'm anchored to the couch. His grip loosens. I kick him away and deactivate my quirk, making him hit the floor.

He lands on hands and his legs. I rub my wrists and jump up. "Nice play kitty~" he says. "You said it yourself. I killed 3 of your men. What makes you think I can't kill you?" I respond. I touch the table and the couch with my bare hands. "The more you touch, the more you can use." I ignore him and pick up the remote and its pieces. I click the batteries in and attach the panel back.

"Hey boss, you aight in there? We heard a thud and was wonderin' if you want us to deal with her ourselves." One of the bodyguards say from outside the door. He grabs his scarf from the hook attached to the pillar and unravels it. "I got her just fine." He says, smirking.  

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