Devil's Deal

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"Mmm..." I groan. I open my eyes slowly. Sunlight leaks through the blinds and the black curtains. It's not that much but it still sucks. I sit up and blankly stare into the distance. "Was it a dream?" I think to myself. I blink myself back into existence. I yawn and stretch. "Good morning kitty~" I hear from beside me. I turn to see him. "Oh shit...It wasn't a dream." I say, holding my head. I hear rustling from him. "Of course not." He says, holding my shoulders and pulling me back down.

I lay back down and let out a long sigh. "No struggling now?" he asks. I let out a long sigh. "What you did to me last night is the reason I'm not fighting against you. You are horrid." I say, covering my eyes with my hand. He laughs a bit and looks at his scarf loosely wrapped around my body.

"My quirk backstep." I say, starting to feel even lighter. I drink some of the water before setting it down. Soon enough, I start levitating off the bed a little at a time. "Oh. I see. Instead of items floating, you float instead." He says, grabbing his scarf.

He wraps the scarf around my ankle. He pulls me down and ties me to his wrist. "I'm some kind of balloon." I say, trying to hit him from in the air. I manage to ruff up his hair a little.

He walks out of his room and down a hallway with me still tethered to his wrist. I fold my arms and continue to float with him. "So. Question. What exactly do you do for like...a living?" I ask him. He glances up at me then looks back ahead. He nods at passing bodyguards and thugs. "Well. I basically run this city as you know. I control the police, the shipments, and basically all of the big places within this city. I have allies as well as enemies." He explains.

"Why have you not killed me yet?" I ask him. He chuckles. "You are interesting. I can't yet of course." He answers. I slowly descend and float around him. "Plus. I find you adorable, kitty." He says, reaching for a hug. I cringe and slowly start to float back up. He yanks on his scarf, making me come down. Once I descend back down, he embraces me in his arms.

"I do not do hugs." I say, trying to escape. He loosens his grip and looks at me. "I want you to work with us. With me, Y/N." he says, sweetly. His voice hit something deep inside me that disabled me from saying no. I sigh and smile faintly. "You are such a sweet talker, you...sleep deprived mad man" I say, floating back up.

"I'll work with you on one condition." I say. He pulls me back down and steps on his scarf, letting me see him eye-to-eye. "What will that be?" he asks. "Stop calling me kitty." I say. He hums a bit then holds out his hand. "Or- how about this." He starts. "I'll stop, unless we're in the bed~" I feel myself getting warm again. "Room. In the room. Or if we are alone. How about that?" I try and compromise.

I reach out my hand and try to shake it, but he grabs it and kisses it. "Deal." He says. He lets go of his scarf just to pull me closer to him. "But the other way you'll work for me is if you live with me." He says, nipping my ear in the process. I try to push him away, but my body is currently the same as a balloon.

He bites my ear again and gently pulls at it. "Mm- Stop." I say, weakly. He growls in my ear. I shiver and let out a hitched breath. "Sho." Another familiar voice says. He lets go of my ear and steps on his scarf to keep me grounded. "Hizashi." He says. I turn my head to see a tall and slender male with long blonde hair and a barely formed mustache. His glasses are tinted with a dark yellow color and he's dressed in all black leather with various spikes.

"Present Mic, right?" I whisper. He nods. "Sho. You could literally be doing your job. Let me have the girl, I'll deal with her." He says, walking closer to us. "Hizashi. Do not disobey me. I said I do not need anyone to take her from me until it's time." Shouta says sternly.

Hizashi stops walking. "Ugh. Fine." He says, turning around. "Hey lady." I perk up. "Just so you know, you'll get replaced soon enough. It always happens." He says, disappears around the corner. I sigh. Shouta hugs me from behind and stays silent for a second.

A limo pulls up. "Where are you taking me?" I ask him. The driver opens the door for us. "Clothes shopping. For you." He says. Ah. Hizashi's words echo in my head. I look out my window and rest my head on my hand. "How long does your backstep last?" Shouta asks. I look at my wrist as a reflex but forgot they took off my watch when they captured me. "In about an hour." I say. He hums in response.

I feel a hand wrap around my back and latch onto my waist. I glance at him and lean back against his chest. I yawn and feel my body getting heavier again. "How long will this car ride take exactly?" I ask. "About 15 minutes. If there's no traffic." The driver says. I hum and sigh. "Scratch that." The driver says, slowly stopping the car. "This'll take around 30-45 minutes."

"That's more than enough time then~" Shouta says in my ear. The driver puts up the window between us and him and puts up tints the windows with us. Shouta tightens his grip on my waist and grabs my thigh roughly, causing me to whimper on accident. "Give in to your inner desires~" he growls seductively in my ear. 

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