Getting To Know

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"Listen here, blondie, we made a deal with your group." The guy at the head of the table yells at Hizashi. I sigh and continue to watch this stupid ordeal unfold. Hizashi's orders were to not speak or kill without his permission. This sucks. "Well. The boss says the deal is off, and that's final." Hizashi says. I fold my arms and look at the guy across from us.

The guy chuckles and leans back in his chair. "No one. And I mean no one breaks a deal with me, The Great Bruno, and gets out alive." When he finishes with that statement, several if his men get up from their chairs and looks at us. Some crackling their knuckles, others, their necks. I sigh and put in earplugs Hizashi gave me.

Hizashi opens his mouth and lets out a loud scream that breaks the glasses of alcohol on the table. As Hizashi continuing screaming, the guys try and cover their ears to try and block out the sound but it's all in vain. Their heads start to feel light and they eventually faint. Bruno soon follows their fate.

I touch their bodies and activate my quirk. "Yeah yeah. We got them." Hizashi says into a phone. He hangs up and looks at me. "How long will it take them to get here?" I ask. I hear groaning from the bodies. I turn them upside down to make them pass out. "Wait lady..." Bruno's faint voice calls out to me. I flip him right-side up. "What?"

"Work for us." He offers. "I'll pay you more than what the scumbag pays you. Uhh...Double! Even triple! Just please spare me!" he begs. They show up in several black vehicles. "Please. Please. I beg you."

"Know what's funny? I'm not even getting paid in monetary value." I say to him. I slowly turn him back upside down. "Shh. Time to sleep now."

"What were you and Bruno talking about before the retrieve?" Hizashi asks me. I look out the window of the car and sigh. "He wanted to hire me. I simply said no." I explain. Hizashi chuckles and pats my back. I flinch. "Nice job today. I underestimated you. I'm sorry." He apologizes. I look at him and smile. "It's all good." I say.

I walk through the front doors of the building and wave Hizashi bye. I walk down a long corridor to my room. I walk past Shouta's room. I sigh and knock. "Sho? I am bac-" the door opens, and I get pulled in.

The room is dim of any light and very cold. "Sho?" I say. The arms around me and shaky and cold. "Are you ok?". We sink to the floor and he pulls me closer. "I...need you." He says, quietly. One of the rumors spreading around about Sho suddenly surfaced in my head. "I don't know what to do..." he says, weakly. "Cmon. Let's lay down." I say.

Sho gets into the bed and holds his head. I go into the kitchen to get him some water. I chuckle a bit. "Oh, how the tables have turned." I say, handing him a glass of water. "I'm the one giving you the water." Sho chuckles a bit and shows a weak smile.

I sit on the edge of the bed and caress his face. He touches my hand. "Sho's best friend, Oboro Shirakumo, died in a raid he went on years ago." I think. "Hey Sho...what's wrong?" I ask. He looks into my eyes. "Today was a special day for me, Hizashi and..." he doesn't finish. He sobs a bit.

I put my hand behind his head and pull him into my chest. "Shh..." I say, comforting him. "It's ok." I say softly. He sobs a bit more. "I wasn't there...I...I could've prevented it...I..." I cut him off by kissing his head. I rub his back and shift enough to cling onto him like a baby sloth. He wraps his arms around my back.


I walk up to the bus stop and stand near the sign. "Y/N?" A familiar voice says. I look over and see Rosco. "Oh, hey Rosco. How ya been?" I ask, sitting down beside him. "I'm still alive, aren't I?" he says, chuckling. I laugh a bit. "How's your lady?" I ask, nudging his arm. "She's doing fine." He says.

"What about you, Y/N? Are you with anyone?" he asks, semi-smugly. I laugh sarcastically. "I am seeing someone at the moment." I say, leaning down and resting both of my forearms on my legs. " that a yes or...?" he asks. I smile and shrug. "Hell if I know." I respond.

The bus arrives. "Ya know. I'm not heading to a party tonight so maybe we could talk a bit more." I offer. Rosco smiles and nods. "Sounds like a plan." I say.

The bus pulls up and the normal speech given by the bus driver commences. I help him on the bus and pay for the ride. "Do you have a quirk?" I ask Rosco. He nods. "Oh cool. What's it called?" I ask. He holds out his hand. After about a sec, little stars form in his palm. "It's called Twilight. It's not really an attack-based quirk. It's more for shows." He explains.

The stars disappear as he withdraws his hand. "Mine is called Levitation, though I might need to change it." I say. I look around and see a penny on the floor in the aisle. I pick it up and show him. "So basically, I can make things float on my command." I say.

I ball up my fist with the penny inside then activate my quirk. "Ready for it?" I say. He nods and watches my fist closely. I chuckle and open my fist. As soon as the penny is free, it floats upwards to the ceiling of the bus.

"To be completely honestly...this isn't an attack-based quirk either, but I made it into one." I explain. I snap, making the penny fall from the ceiling. I catch it and hand the penny to Rosco.

The bus stops in front of the center and opens its doors.

He opens the front doors to the center. We go up some stairs and arrive at Apt. number 1-A. "1-A..." I think to myself. "Wait. How do I know you won't try and kidnap and hurt me?" I ask, suspiciously. He fiddles with his keys and chuckles.

"I saw you fighting that guy last week." He says, unlocking the door. "It wasn't a fight...more like a one-sided, quick fight." I walk in his apartment and make my way to the couch.

"Fine then. Let's talk."

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