Silent Thoughts

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"This is your room; do you like it?" Shouta asks, opening the door. The room is like his but instead of the big pillar separating everything, there's a wall. The walls are a bright f/c and black stripes. The bed is queen sized with a black spread and f/c colored pillowcases. The bedframe is a black wood with spheres on the top apart. "The bedroom looks nice." I say, impressed. "Follow me." He says, leading me to the living area.

The sofa and chairs are a dark grey like his. And the coffee table is black wood much like the bedframe. The Tv is mounted on the wall and the mantle has a mantle clock on it with a flowerpot full of fake white roses. "So, wait. How did y'all decorate this place so fast? When did y'all decorate this?" I ask, gliding my hand across the couch.

"Well. I've had my eyes on you for a while. Even before you killed my men." He says. "Shouta. The stalker. What a laugh." I say sarcastically. "I notice that you always call me Shouta." He starts. "That's your name." I say, looking at the small kitchen. "You can call me Sho." I sigh and turn to face him. "Sho." I repeat. He looks into my eyes. "Cute." He says, approaching me.

"Ay man. Personal space." I say, backing away. My back hits the wall. "Shit." I think to myself. I reach out to touch him, but he grabs my wrist and holds them above my head. "Nice try. I've already be affected by your quirk and I know how it works." He says, kissing my forehead.

"I just noticed something." He says. "We've never kissed." I try and move my wrist down to touch him, but he tightens his grip a bit. "Ay AY!" I say. He uses his free hand to lift my chin up. I try and move my face away, but he smashes his lips into mine. I feel my body growing weaker.

"I feel like I'm being devoured." I think to myself. I can't move and I don't have the strength to try and push him away. His tongue slips into my mouth, exploring. A moan escaped my mouth, fueling him to continue. "I can't breathe..." I try to pull away. He pulls away from me, a string of saliva connecting our tongue but eventually breaking.

I blush madly and activate my quirk, but he erases it. He lets go of my wrists and backs up a bit. I breathe heavily and stare at him in silence.

I finally walk towards him and stop in front of him. "Did you like it?" he hums. I place my hand on his chest. "I...-" I start to say. He wraps his hand around my back and pulls me closer. "It... was my first kiss..." I say sadly

"Oh shit, it was?" he says, pecking my head. "I need shower. Which means you...out." I say, pushing him away. He chuckles and let's go of me. "Not going to lie, I thought you were going to freak out." He says, scratching the back of his head. "I am freaking out, just silently." I think to myself. I smile and hug him.

"Come in my room when you're done. If you know where that is." He says, opening the door. "Alright." I respond. He closes the door. I punch the wall and sink to the ground. "Ow...why did I do that?" I kiss my knuckles and look at the mantle clock. "2:30am" it reads.

I walk into the bathroom and look at the bath then the shower. I take out the bill from my pocket and remove my costume. "Bath." I say, turning the nozzle.

I get in the warm bath and lay down on the back part of it. I let out a long sigh and close my eyes. "Just so you know, you'll get replaced soon enough. It always happens." Those words from Hizashi echo in my head. I open my eyes and look at my toes.

"Name's Rosco. Rosco Williams." The senior was very sweet to me for no reason. Something I've never experienced. "Just come back home safely. I don't know what I'd do without you." I sigh. "Redeye..." I think to myself.

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