Unlikely Ally

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I wait at a bus stop in front of an apartment complex. I sit on the bench and sigh. "I could go see if Redeye is at our base. But he'll probably hack into my mind and know where I've been." I sigh to myself and lean back against the plastic wall. "Is this seat taken?" a voice asks from beside me. "No." I say, sitting up. I look over to see an elder man with a green and white striped vest and khaki pants. He smiles and sits down. "Where ya heading, old man?" I ask. He chuckles weakly and fixes his glasses.

"I'm heading home for the night. Just got done with a date." He says, happily. "Still got it, huh?" I ask, chuckling and nudging him with my elbow gently. He laughs and sighs. "Was she beautiful?" I ask. He nods and puts his glasses back on. "How about you? Where are you heading?" he asks me. "Oh! I..." I can't really tell him the truth. "I'm going to a party across town. The host invited me, so I decided I just had to go." I respond.

"Oh, to be young again." He says. "Don't drink too much." He warns. I laugh and shake my head.

The bus arrives and opens its doors. "We have arrived. Please leave the bus from the middle doors." The bus driver says in the intercom. I help the old man onto the bus and pay for both of us. "You didn't have to." The old man says. I smile.

"I never got ya name, old man. I feel like it's rude to call you that." I say, sitting by him. I let him have the window seat. "Name's Rosco. Rosco Williams." He says. "Name's Y/N. Y/N L/N." He smiles and reaches into his pocket and pulls out a crumpled up 10-dollar bill. He slowly and shakily hands it to me.

"No no. Keep your money. I don't need it." I say, pushing it gently back to him. "I insist." He says. I sigh and take it and put it in my pocket. "Rocso, you shouldn't just give money to strangers who talk to you on the streets." I say. He laughs. "Oh please. I can tell you weren't just anyone." He says.

The bus comes to a stop. "We have arrived. Please exit the bus from the middle doors. Have a nice evening." The bus driver says. I help him off and help him cross the street to an elderly home. "Have a nice rest of your night." I say, watching him open the door. "You too." He says, closing the door and going up the stairs.

"My dumbass got sidetracked." I say to myself, punching the air. I run into an alleyway and jump onto the fire escape latter and climb onto the roof of the building next to the senior center. I walk near the edge and watch over the streets.

After watching for hours, I see a figure in an alleyway across the street. I jump onto another roof and look around the corner. "There's a police station right there." I think to myself. I look around on the roof and see several metal roof panels. I grab them and activate my quirk.

I fling them into the air like a bridge and jump onto them across the street. I deactivate my quirk. Hearing the metal panels hit the ground with a loud crash on the street. Some of the police officers come out of the station and look at the street. As I expected, the figure charges at them.

Once the figure goes near the streetlight, they're exposed to be my target. Stain. I climb down from the roof and land on the ground gently. I grab on of my knives and creep towards him.

I throw the knife at his back. He grunts from the sudden pain. He turns around and runs at me. I activate my quirk, making him float into the air. I walk out of the alleyway and smirk. "Target captured." I say into my earpiece. "Confirmed. On our way." The police officers, who were attacked, slowly get up and hold their wounds.

"Who are you?" one of them asks. I sigh and look at them. "My name is...uh...I go by the Nighthawk." I mentally punch myself. "Nighthawk, you are a hero." He says. I cringe and almost gag. "Oh, trust me. I'm no hero. In fact, I have nothing against Stain. He was just my target." I explain. I turn Stain upside-down so the blood rushes to his head to make him pass out.

Several black SUVs and cars pull up. "We are here to pick him up." One of the guys say. I shrug. "Take him." I say, making the unconscious serial killer descend to them. They handcuff and gag him with a white cloth. I fold my arms and see a black limo pull up soon after the black SUV drive away with Stain. "Oh great. Just the guy I didn't want to see." I tch. The driver opens the door for me. I take one final look at the senior center and get in the limo.

"Good job, Y/N." Shouta says, sipping whiskey from a cup. "You owe me another knife." I say. He chuckles and wraps his hand around my waist. "Want your reward now, or later?~" he says in my ear. I shiver. "Look. I just need rest. Holding him in the air that long is exhausting." I say, looking out the window.

"Bye Rosco..." I think to myself, feeling the crumpled 10-dollar bill in my pocket.

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