Chapter 1: A Normal Life

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The Journal

By Christopher cadena

Chapter 1: The Normal Life

"To many people, life is an ideal that can hold many characteristics. Life, in other words, means different things to different kinds of people. To the humans, it was more about individuality, who you were and what you stood for meant something to others. To the new robot beings of Earth, formerly known as the Dromedans, it meant the possibility of a new world. It was the same for the Sapients, who were the wise beings from another planet. For the evolved species of humanoid animals, formally known as the Anthropoms it also meant the same thing. In most cases of this time, each shared the trait of love and hatred towards one another. So much that they were defined as equal amongst each other. Those traits will always remain in the principles of life and nature itself for the survival and relationship of our Species alike. As time went on we learn to get along, forming new utopias of our old cities. Eventually, our home became their new home we shared, forever it was named among them, Earthio."

These were words plastered in an autobiography known as Earth's New Friends, written by Dr. Allan Maximus, the very well known scientist of the Unison agency, and formally known as the uncle of young Kayde Maximus. He's a very well known character, smart, kind, friendly, and often energetic and enthusiastic about things. Growing up as the middle child of the family, in the calm peaceful side of Utopia San Francisco in downtown, Kayde found himself interested and influenced by the heroes of the So-called Unison. An orgaization of Humans, Dromendans, Anthropoms, and Sapients alike all united under one organization to maintain peace, order, and defend life from the evil legion. A team of ruthless terrorist who allied a unit of supervillains known as the Archaknights. They lived with one objective, to rule the Utopian cities under one nation and destroy the unisons and contours. Unlike his 2 other brothers Tom and Cato, Kayde saw the Unison as something special and wanted to be just like them. Unaware to him and many, the Unison was in a period of darkness in the new millennia. Their parents, Arina and Christobal had busy lives, they never skipped a day in their life being there for them. Arina was a well-known lawyer, attorney, and counselor, Christobal was a police commissioner and always had the best of stories to tell. From encounters with superheroes and reopened cases thanks to the leads from mysterious societies. Clans of people who were protecting and serving the good of all, but using their own methods of what true justice was. They were secretive and outcasts to the public, mostly segregated by species, and gender, those who did not rule by this were divergent or surpassed their peers and formed their own Clans. Like a district each was Trained in various techniques, spanning each culture and generation of combat and self-defense. Arina's life wasn't as complex and often told stories of how she helped people: human, dromedan, morphic and sentient alike, and how in the end she felt a sense of happiness and relief every time they won a court trial. As for Allan he always spent his time away from the family but sometimes came on certain occasions. After resigning from his duty, he was present more often and told stories filled with memories and adventures of his youth, the encounters with the Unison in his later life and often fighting alongside them as their scientific expert. In return, he was awarded a medallion of honor from the unison that very few people earn by either being a member, assisting greatly with the team, or succeeding beyond the call of duty. In his time being with the team, he met a very faithful and helpful assistant Casio. Formally known as C4510, Casio was a peppy like dromedan and was a unison specialist communicator, field mapper, and data analyst for military and non-military service. For a while, Casio became Allan's assistant with the family. After becoming so attached to them, as a member of the Unison he was set upon the idea of resigning, instead he was given an honorable discharge, and received a medallion of honor and a sincere farewell from the Team and started to live with the family, stating it was no longer his mission, but now his responsibility to watch over them the best he can. Things were going well for the family, so well, that it was considered by many that the family had close relations with the Unison. Sadly, it was obvious amongst them that these things would not last. Over the years the unison had suffered greatly internally and had its public image destroyed. The family as well as the very foundation of Unison was shaken, Weeks of suffering endured the Maximus family as they suffered great losses along with their reputation. As Unison was being investigated, things only went downhill for the family. Christobal had made reluctant arrest towards anonymous Unison and Maximillion members and threatened his squadron that he would resign. Arina as well faced many trials failing to win many unanimous accusations against many fellow Unison members as well, Some true, some false. One of the founders, Zachary Harper, who was one of the first unison heroes, lost against an accusation that was made for becoming a menace to society and evading arrest. Heartbroken, she could do nothing but watch as the system she served turned these once great heroes away. They both discovered a while after that a confrontation regarding the incident ended in an accident at the main Unison Tower in downtown. After that, Most of the heroes in the unison were identified missing, in prison, presumed dead, or in hiding. As for Kayde and his brothers, they could do nothing but grief as everything Kayde loved was gone. Many conferences were held determining the fate of the organization, the final decision was made and the government decided to shut down the Unison and all of its remaining assets. For Allan, he would fall into an illness not long after and had only Casio and the family to watch over him. Expecting to recover soon, he remained incapacitated only to pass away from heart failure nearly 5 years after, leaving the Family's name in emptiness, and despair. Years had passed since that day but by then, The three brothers were older. Tom had enlisted in the Labor Union like their grandfather had don, Cato went on to voluntarily transfer to a Robotics School Halfway through his semester in Junior high. while Kayde, still in a sense of naivety and innocence, stayed behind and helped Casio and his parents recover from their state of conflict with each other as they enter semi-retirement, hoping things would be for the better. As for the Contours and legion, they and their factions all disappeared with time. Still, it was said that only a few roamed free in the Utopia City of San Francisco, fighting in the secret war hidden from the public eye.

Kayde Maximus: The Story of Vigilante Chrome (Book 1 Part 1) [The Journal]Where stories live. Discover now