Chapter 6: Secret of the Smile

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Chapter 6: Secret of the Smile

Time sat still for a few moments as Kayde stood by the doorway of his uncle's study. Slowly, he removed his hood and began to walk into the room and towards the desk, directly on top was the journal on a book stand.

"Weird" Kayde thought, "no cameras".

He started to search around the desk, placing his backpack to the side hoping he could find something else, saving the best part for last. On the other side of the desk, there layed a stash of newspapers from the early part of the 21st century dating back from the late 20th century. Kind of old for Kayde to remember, but still very interesting to read. Each headline had very explosive words such as Hero, Vigilante and very adjective words describing a "Masked Vigilante" that must have been around during that time. Kayde wondered how his uncle got intrested in vigilantes, thus confirming his time with the Unison as his reason. as he searched around the desk. He then found some interesting things in the drawer beneath the desk, there laid more news papers, but of vaguely recent events. The headlines were more heavy and more shattering, it reads about the masked vigilante known as "Vigilante Chrome" the same hero in his dad's stories, "The man with a shiny mask, and a smile on is back."

"A hero to some, a cocky masked one to others." A recent article claimed as he began read the deeper, "Not a lot of people knew his identity, those who did were fellow friends of the unison; their names remain disclosed and their beckgrounds remain classified. It is rumored that he was a member of the Unison from its early foundation but disappeared after its crumble. It seemed from various sources he was a person who worked alone before he joined the unison to help fight against the legion under a secret military organization that experimented on technological advancement, and after the Unison fell, his reputation had fallen as well."

"Sad" Muttered Kayde, "it looked like he had a good run, I wonder if my uncle knew him" 

Kayde then continued to look through the desk, he then looked in the center drawer. His eyes then widened up, it was a note regarding the journal. Alongside was an old iPod and a pair of Ray Bans in case. The leather on the case was old, but in still good shape.

"These must have been his," he thought."Wish I could have taken care of these, they look really cool".

Kayde rested all of the items on the desk, opening the glasses case, out came an aviator design. The colors were a glossy black on black, surprisingly still shiny. He then put them aside and began to view the iPod, it was one of the first ones: kind of small but efficient piece of equipment, a small screen display holding storage up to 4GB, with the earbuds and charger in its pure white appearance. Looking for an outlet to charge it since it wouldn't turn on, he placed it on the desk's built in charger and let it begin to charge so that he could see its secrets later. As he turned back, he took a deep breath and began to examine the note found from the center drawer.

It read, "to whom it concerns, this journal is made and seen by me and my special friend only. Who ever is in charge of keeping it secret, don't tell anyone sincerely, Yours Truly." it signed, no name, but the symbol embedded as "Ü".

Kayde found it half interesting and half scary, as it resembled the symbol on the Article of vigialante chrome and the journal in the photos. Reluctant to make a comment, Kayde kept it to himself and began examining the journal. With gentle fingers he grabbed and observed its black vinyl cover, now a darker grimmy faded color with a faded "Ü" still edged on the front and a misty "Б" on the back, similar to the patch with a russian b that Alice had on the patch in her room. Not at all was the book in fragil shape as Alice described it to be, it looked rather well preserved on its own, but still held an age to it. Old paper and colon flew through his nose as he opened it. When opened, the first page was blank, but it had what probably his Uncle scribbled.

"Written by yours truly".

On the back of the front cover was a tiny folder, it held 2 things, one was a signed form of ownership of the library, the other was a photo, old but colorized. Kayde then carefully view the photo, seeing a picture labeled 'Allen M. and Yuri L., Vigilante Chrome and...'
He paused reading, "Blink.."

Kayde looked closer at the photo and was surprised as he observed it further. With their masks off and wearing what appeared to be like agility shock suits, like the one in His uncle's autobiography, but a little different than the one in the newspaper photos, so it wouldn't be a give away of who he was.

"I knew that looked familiar..." kayde chuckled to himself.

He began to understand who Yuri was as he pieced up the puzzle. It was the same woman in Alice's photo in her study, the same woman that was wearing the mask in Allen's autobiography, the same woman who took Alice in and raised her as her own, and the same woman that went missing at that break in at Alice's home not long ago. Yuri Lockaby was the foster mother of Alice. As for Allan, he was the one they called Vigilante chrome, and not just the military official that everyone knew he was, or at least what Kayde thought.

"So they really were close friends" he said under his breath as he opened the ownership form.

It was an old but clean paper, dating back to June of a few years prior holding Allan's statement signature, along with Kayde's father Christobal, as an agreement, giving authority to exchange inheritance of the library and pass it down to- "Kayde Maximus." With Verbal inheritcance taking place as of today. Expecting full ownership documents completed by his 17th birthday. Followed by a signature from Casio and Alice as witnesses of the signing.

"me..." Kayde muttered confused, "I'm honored. B-but why?

He continued to read the bottom, "the Library Guardian is responsible for the library and all of the contents inside it. [REDACTED] will remain the library guardian and serve my nephew until he is ready to manage it himself following legal inheritance, he may choose to select a new guardian that he sees fit or keep he current guardian selected by me. As Guardian see to it that the threat ahead is exterminated from existence by then following his birthday, if possible just in time for it. Ensuring my beloved nephew and others may thrive in what is left of my knowledge of the world as well as its influences around it. [REDACTED] until further notice, will uphold this position to ensure the tasks ahead be done with swift and righteous action. Below was an Oath of Order: To abide and uphold the ways of the library Guardian. Ensuring its role taker preserves and honors the code bestowed upon them.

"[REDACTED], Librarian/ Keeper of Books." Read Kayde viewing the cursive signature signed,

"Could that be Alice's Signature?"

He looked and stood up and began to walk around in thought.

"Okay so what are they talking about? I get that its family but...I'm ready, at least i think i am. I'm confident, passionate and energetic with enthusiasm, but then i get too shy so i wouldn't be labeled as brave, but i'm determined, but i'm to stubborn, but then i'm curious....does that make me naive or...??"

He sat down and muttered in his own thoughts.

"And my birthday is only a few months away..."

He looked at through the window on the ceiling, "Am I even ready...?"

Kayde started to think of possible reasons on why he wasn't qualified to own a library. He looked back at the form, wondering what gave them the idea to make him the owner of the family library, why they did that, when they were planning to tell him, and of course, what the hell made him viable to this position.

Kayde Maximus: The Story of Vigilante Chrome (Book 1 Part 1) [The Journal]Where stories live. Discover now