Chapter 3: The Main Call

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Chapter 3: The Main Call

As they walked in, everything was still, Calm, and quiet. Not loud or lively as it used to be, except Kayde, whenever he had his music on, but that was about it. The house had been quiet for a few years now. Max was still in military school, while Kayde’s parents Arina and Christobal, had moved away after they had been living in their phase of semi-retirement. After time had caught up with them, it became clear to their minds that they could no longer enter back into service, they would be deemed as old and frail to carry on the good fight. So one day, as Kayde and Casio were preparing a routine clean, his parents approached them and stated that as a family they were thankful for everything they had done for them and decided to rest the property in their hands and move to a better place. Without much thought, they knew he would be ok on his own without them and knew that he would be safe in Casio’s hands. They were considering to settle down and live their life based on biblical proverbs that described peace and sanctum. As they settled down, Kayde switched into better clothes. He then began to read as Casio did another cleaning routine. As he read he became lost and filled with amazement in the stories of his grandfather. He had close encounters, funny adventures with Casio, surviving, and having the ultimate time of his life helping and saving others and fighting alongside behind the contours and the Unison whenever they needed him. He was fascinated by all the photos he saw of him and the team and all of the members that were around at the time. When he finished he couldn’t help but feel dissatisfied. All the stories were amazing and unreal, but there was nothing that described the keyhole in the medallion meant something, no blueprint, schematic, or mention of any kind. Then it hit him as he spun back through the pages and traveled back to the photo gallery. It was Allan in uniform with the so-called “Contours” in a formal group position. He zoomed to another photo, it was him and Zachary harper playing chest. Another had Richard Reyes, another Unison member, arm wrestling with him. One photo stood out; It had Allen hugging a person in a mask that Kayde didn’t recognize.

“Hey, Casio? who is this?”

Casio stopped to see what the matter was. The person’s name was “Blink”, as labeled on the bottom of the page Allan and “Blink”.

“Oh her,” Casio replied, “She was very sketchy to us at the time. younger than most of us, she was a new member transitioning from the Contours. No one knew who she was, even I've never known her truly myself. When it came time for us to move on and start a life, she chose to live a different one from the rest of us. She did want a child, but that dream was to be short-lived.”

“Oh” replied Kayde, "That sucks”.

“ was rather unfortunate, poor kiddo…” replied Casio, “We were all social with her every once in a while, but I think your Uncle knew her best”.

“Soo...they were friends?” Kayde asked,

“very close actually” Replied Casio, “Why you ask mate, she caught your eye?”

“Oh, nothing like that Casio” Kayde answered back, “It’s just that,” he paused. "Allan never mentioned her at all, particular at least."  With the mask on her, there was no way to know exactly who she was.

“I see,” Casio nodded. “But do you think..that um” he cut himself off.

Kayde saw the exclamation in his face and started to think.

"Alice's mother could have known blink, maybe she could have been a close friend. So yeah, I can think so.” Kayde agreed.

It matched up; the whole being adopted, Alice's mother was kidnapped, blink wanting a child, perhaps she knew them, maybe they were in trouble. Perhaps the crest of the unison on Alice's desk could have belonged to her mother's friend. Though Kayde was curious about Blink, he felt unsatisfied, this was not what he wanted to find. Though the discovery could be a clue to what the keyhole in the medallion protected. As Casio got up, Kayde noticed something that caught him. He Exclaimed,

Kayde Maximus: The Story of Vigilante Chrome (Book 1 Part 1) [The Journal]Where stories live. Discover now