Chapter 5: Key to Discovery

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Chapter 5: Key to Discovery

As he quietly got the keys for her locker, he then headed straight to it. As quiet as he could, he opened it, only to find nothing but a tiny UV light. In old times, that was used to find invisible ink markings, now there are different methods of doing that with better and less hazardus ways. Kayde was filled with confusion onto why that was there, but whatever it was meant for, she had it for a reason. He gently took it just in case as he relucted to thouroughly check her study. The door was thick and seemed to be like a door to a bank safe. “Maybe she carries a Journal or diary of her own.” he thought. It seemed the lock was a masterpiece of metal as well with a 4 digit code entry. Using his electro magnet to hack it would’ve probably messed up the lock rather than open it. He then decided to use the purple flashlight and found a spot on the door handle what appeared to be Etched BOSS. Kayde couldn’t help but blush as he punched in the code that the words represented. '4277'.

“Sorry Ali” he muttered shyly.

The door slowly slided open a mild breeze of air rushed out, as if it was air lock tight. Kayde then felt the breeze carry her scent through his nose. His body became paralyzed for a few seconds as he waited for the door to open. His thoughts started to wander before he found himself staring into space. Quickly, he snapped out of it and quietly wandered in, The room was organized, as well was her bed neatly made. It felt a little warm, As if she wasn’t gone for very long.

“Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever seen her outside the library at all” he thought.

Ever since Alice took the responsibility to watch over the library and its possessions, Kayde felt she was limited to do anything else besides what she needed to do. He wanted to take her to a lot of places, but she was always busy. Still, she seemed somewhat happy there, like everything she could ever want was all in here, and if it wasn't she'd be the one to make the best of it. Through all this Kayde began to wonder about the security recognizing him as he noticed a camera by her droor, as it sat there observing him. Kayde noticed a photo of what he presumed to be her adoptive mother whom was of Sapient descent, along with a touch-screen remote. The object seemed way to advanced for Kayde to know what it was meant for, like it was meant for something very sophisticated such as the security. He then wondered if Alice was behind all of this and that she knew he would look for the journal and purposely let him in. She probably had plans to scare him into never doing it again, however the thought vanished as the alarm in the camera went off with a very high pitched ring. Having it scare him, Kayde then panicked as he reached for his electro magnet and quickly damaged the frequency of the alarm, shutting it off along with dropping the remote and knocking down the photo of her suspected mother.

“Shoot” he muttered looking around him, everything being still as it was.

He picked up the picture frame, luckily it wasn’t broken, he then picked up the remote and started pressing randomly to see if it still worked. It was cracked, no longer in working condition, quickly he put it in his pocket so that she wouldn't find it. It was quiet once again, Kayde let out a sigh of relief as the sealed drawer opened with a hiss. There it was, his Uncle’s key, Excited Kayde tried to open the Medallion. It didn't fit, it was to big, Kayde looked at the key again. This wasn't the key to his medallion, but to his uncle's old study, tarnased with aging brass. Along with it was a patch that looked like his Uncle’s patch he had on his officer jacket, but this one had a letter B, but it was written in the russian alphabet. Things only felt more weird for Kayde “What did this mean” he thought. Whatever it meant, he quickly left Alice’s study, along with resetting her photo and taking her patch, or borrowing it as a comparison to something he might find. Kayde then stormed quietly down to his uncle’s study with the key. When got there he then looked around for Alice, she wasn’t there, so he felt a bit of relief, but couldn’t help but feel like he was being watched. Besides the cameras watching him, this was the same feeling he felt when he got home from chasing his medallion down the street, a presence staring at him from a distance. As he went to the door, he checked to see if there was any invisible markings outside the door, there were none. Kayde then used the invisi-spray through the bars and into the room. As the midst of it disappeared, there in fact was a laser grid. Kayde then thought of an idea how to turn it off. The difficult part was that the laser grid had a beam on the door, if opened, the alarm would sound. The only way to naturally shut it off was to have a bypass remote key to turn off the grid. Then he recalled the memory of the remote in Al’s study. “Darn…” recalling that he broke it,“that would have been useful right now.” he muttered, “Oh well, I guess I’m going to have to find another way around.” He had to at this point, then he thought, every laser grid has a mirror like set up and a hosting source. Kayde then spotted it on the ceiling, he then used a laser light he packed to see what would happen. The whole room had lit up; If pointed in the wrong direction, it could reset the defense grid to adjusting its lasers. Leading to the defense grid to shut down, he disregarded the remote’s importance and proceeded to unlock the door. In front of him as he opened it, was the journal of Dr. Allan Maximus laying flat on its back. “Uncle Allie” Kayde gasped as he stood in silence. This was the reason why he came here, the very reason why he came to this very room. All because of his medallion and all because of a journal that may have an answer. Sworn to be kept secret from friends, enemies, and even family

Kayde Maximus: The Story of Vigilante Chrome (Book 1 Part 1) [The Journal]Where stories live. Discover now