Chapter 7: The Unexpected Finding

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It was clear at that point that sneaking in was a bust. but the more he thought about it the more he felt like he could have just walked in since the system had not identified him as a threat, but it knew who he was, the answer to that was because Kayde was part owner of the family library now, or so-called passed down to him. Alice wasn't there which made it more unsettling because of her authority and responsibility as the 'keeper of books'. He then looked back into the journal.

"I still think there's a lot more to answer, but then there would be a lot more to ask," he thought.

He pulled out his uncle's medallion looking up at it.

"So this...this belonged to YOU all this time, it must have been fun while it lasted huh Allan," He said gracefully under his breath.

Kayde was now under the knowledge that his uncle had earned the medallion as vigilante chrome and not just a scientific figure everyone sought him out to be as few documents did. He earned the medallion for going above and beyond, living in the shadows but fighting with a courageous spirit. As he viewed the back of it he was a little upset, there was no key to be found in the journal and the desk didn't seem to have any drawers left to open. Kayde held the journal in his hands, all he wanted to see was the key to his medallion and see what was inside it, but he also was excited that he found out about Alice's foster mother, he could've asked, but it just, didn't seem right to ask about a person whose mother was a hero that disappeared. Before she did mention her at times, as before she only referred to her as her "hero" nothing more, nothing less. Kayde turned back to the journal, he was about to turn the page, but then just stopped and forgot about it. He wasn't going to find a key inside there unless there was a sketch of it... He then lifted it back up and started to view the pages at random. Nothing made sense in it, all it was was just sketches of technology parts, art, and side notes. When he got halfway, he stared sternly as the topics were more in-depth. It was a sketch of a new suit for vigilante chrome, "underdevelopment" that probably never came to be. He kept turning pages of notes diaries and a lot of other things that were confidential of the "UNISON ALLIANCE"

"If discovered by the contours or the Legion, coming destruction may occur."

Kayde turned the page, it was a rough schematic print of an "ultimate soldier", from what looked to be recovered from the wreckage of the Unison HQ labeled "Kid Millenium" an A.i. robot from ages ago, its creators were from the unison, but shared technology from each race, programmed and designed to be merely superhuman, skilled in every technique of combat and completely indestructible; inspired by the legacy of vigilante chrome. However if one were to destroy K.M. it wasn't easily repairable and impossible to duplicate the unit if it became damaged beyond repair because of its advanced material selection. If the print is obtained by any of the Contours or Archaknights one may likely attempt to duplicate and recreate the K.M. UNIT, maybe one more repairable. The worst outcome, one may attempt to create multiple units and build an army of superhuman machines.

"That's not good" Kayde muttered.

He turned to another page to what read "Top Secret." It was a sketch of an energy chip codenamed UB3R_M4X1MU5, a single plate ring unit, designed by humans to enhance a person's body strength and capabilities through their body energy. However, the drawback was that after its use, it can rapidly exert or drain a person's body energy and strength causing the user to faint or fall into sickness from it. If it wasn't that too much power could fill the user causing them to lose control and obliterate themselves or the core. If damaged, it can cause a massive explosion destroying a whole city block,

"Whoa, that's nuts..." Kayde said to himself.

The notes underneath the image said his uncle had used it extensively throughout his lifetime and made it durable through combat so it would decrease its capability to explode or exert his body to a deadly level while in use. Another was created prior to the K.M. Unit known as omega chip, made with the technology of all species. It was ultimately stronger, so strong that no race would be able to wield it without dying from body exertion or their body bursting with energy, the only entity able to wield it was the k.m. unit itself. When other races heard of a recreation of an energy chip by the humans, each species developed one of their own and had one of each race selected to wield its power. Not mentioning the "countless prototypes" made after, in a total of four Ethnic chips being held by four Ethnic heroes plus K.M. They were known as the Maxamillians and were in favor of the Unison and to the world. Kayde then read what made him feel weak, like the first energy core created, each could explode if tampered or overused including the omega core. When the Unison came to fall, the confrontation he knew and understood was interpreted as a breach of Unison Tower in an attempt to steal the K.M. unit along with the omega core powering it. The world fell in panic, the omega core would've been obtained by the contours or the legion along with Kid Millennium. Instead, a leader of the legion known as Vladek Von Solera, a sentient, attempted to wield the omega core with intentions of becoming a god to destroy the unison, Kid Millenium, and the world. Instead, all of its energy overpowered his body obliterating him, leaving the chip to fracture and disrupt inside the unison.

Kayde Maximus: The Story of Vigilante Chrome (Book 1 Part 1) [The Journal]Where stories live. Discover now