Chapter 4: Finding A Way In

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Chapter 4: Finding A Way In

When it was all silent and calm, Kayde got up and quietly got ready. He prepared his backpack with a few things he thought he might need along with dark clothes and a hoodie jacket. He even took his phone so it wouldn't go off while he was away. As he went out, he couldn't help but check on Casio. Casio was powered off, or in a human's perspective asleep, Kayde let out a silent relief and was out on his way listening to tunes through his SoundWear. In his mind cricled a lot of things, was it really worth this much trouble for a journal? What would happen if it were to fail and he got in trouble? Would he still be friends with Alice if he did, would Casio be forgiving...would his parents understand. When he realized he was nearby he snapped out of his trance turning off his SoundWear afterwards, the cameras and security were active as usual. The security system in the library was highly sophisticated and considered to be unbreakable. Thanks to the tours they gave, Kayde had somewhat knowledge of the layout, they were really braggy about the defense systems and how sophisticated it was. However, it wasn't enough to help him, so what he knew what he dad to do. The only flaw this library had was the lack of security failsafes and night guards. Other than Alice who lived at the library was asleep at this time in her study, most of the security relied on electronics. Cameras are still sensitive to instant light like any normal eye, and most of the technology's worst enemy is emps and emis. Kayde had packed a tiny green laser as a gift from his older brother Tom and an electromagnet from his little brother Max. The library had a power system designed if the power were to go off, a backup generator would turn on, and when that generator turned off, another would turn on. These were in 3 different locations, one inside the main office, one outside the back, and one on the roof. As Kayde approached the 1st generator box, he managed to catch the cameras off guard and shine the laser light at them, blinding the camera and using the electromagnet to disable the electric lock. Once inside, a camera occupied the power box. He managed to use the laser light to blind the light as he disabled the 1st generator. Once he was done, he managed to escape the tiny room and was able to move to the roof using magnetic gloves he got from his grandfather. The roof was a curved surface with a little pen house like area where the 2nd generator stood, behind that was an elevator. Once there, he performed the same process of blinding the cameras and shutting down the 2nd generator. When that was done, he proceeded to the elevator which was dead ahead. Unaware to Kayde, the two generators had suddenly restarted because of the sudden technical failures that he caused in the system. The silent alarm was triggered because of that, locking the elevator and having a camera from the elevator entrance identify Kayde and target him with its spotlight.

"Identify yourself." It commanded in a deep synthetic voice.

Kayde froze in fear as his hood flew down exposed his face. The facial recognition started scanning him he stood still unable to say anything but mutter his name under his breath. The Camera stood frozen for a while, then it replied.

"Identification confirmed, have a pleasant evening Mr. Maximus."

As the camera set itself away and the elevator was reopened, Kayde nearly fainted to the floor as the camera floated away.

"That... should have been it," he breathed.

the system had recognized him, but it did not ID him as a threat, not even referring to a simple ID library card, this was something else. Puzzled, Kayde silently went into the elevator, still breathing a little heavy, the camera saw him but nothing happened. This made him extremely uncomfortable as he descended to the main floor, thinking what would have happened, had the system not recognized him. Insight, however, he could do whatever he wanted in the library and not get in trouble, since he was not condemned hostile. As he reached the main floor and caught his breath, he felt the presence of a security system active on the lower level. Certain, he used a detector spray received from his dad to help spot invisible lasers and such, not that he would ever need it unless he was in a predicamet like this. He shook it and gave it a spray, there was nothing, except for the cameras that noticed his movement. With a built-in microphone to catch every spec of sound no alarm was triggered as they kept glancing at him. Unsure if he was in the clear, Kayde couldn't help but feel awkward as he walked down to her checkout desk to look for a key set there that would possibly hold one to his Uncle's study. He found nothing but the awkward moment he remembered prior that day and her medallion still in the glass casing on the desk where she was looking at it not long before. Behind the desk was nothing out of the ordinary of the small knick knacks, stickers, office utencils, a funko pop and a few photos of Alice by herself, potential friends from the library and with Kayde together in the library.

"A key set is probably kept next to the lockers on a key rack," Kayde thought, "Which are probably in the main office."

He shuffled back down the hall as cameras followed him awkwardly down, where the monitors of those cameras would be. He never really looked at the main office for anything as the server there was automated, being only to able answer so much with only a few coded responses and with a built in search engine. As he arrived, he saw a lonely lock set on what he assumed to be her locker inside the main office island. Kayde however, didn't have anything to unlock it with. Reluctant to break it, he hopped over decided to look around first. On the office key rack luckily, was a lonely set of keys that looked to be just fit for her locker. Leading Kayde to conclude the keys set on the rack were hers and hers alone. As he made his way to get it, he couldn't help but stare through a window of what was her study. It was quiet, but calm. She had a bed inside but it appeared she wasn't there. At that moment, Kayde let out a sigh of relief but was puzzled about why she wasn't there. Having her not be in her study meant two things, Either she was not in the library which meant everything was vulnerable for an attack, or she was awake and somewhere wandering through the library, probably late studying. Having realization of where she could be, and before she discovered what he planned to do, Kayde had to move, and he had to move fast.

Kayde Maximus: The Story of Vigilante Chrome (Book 1 Part 1) [The Journal]Where stories live. Discover now