Chapter 3

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Here is chapter 3, its quite full on. So you are cautioned.

Tonight was a night. I've never broken down in front of someone like that before. I hate attention, but sometimes you just have to let it out and have someone's point of view. My cousin told his mum (my aunty) about it, I guess she has the right. She took me to the hospital. I ended up having to get stitches in a few. They were very deep.  I also have to see a psychologist and psychiatrist. My cousin told his work friends, he'll hold the BBQ another time. We got home from the hospital very late at night. Thank god tomorrow was a weekend. Although I would be home alone. My aunty has to travel for business and Nate is working on set. I'm quite anxious to stay home, but I have to work through it. I'm on my bed, trying to sleep. But it's impossible when you can hardly breathe from all the thoughts racing in your head. Before I fall asleep, Jake enters my mind. He was lovely to me this afternoon. I need to stop thinking about. Imagine how many girls are after him! In the early hours of the morning, I finally fell asleep with music in my ears.


I woke up in a sweat as usual. I don't remember the dream I had, but if it triggered me to wake up in such a state, I'm guessing it was horrific. I lifted up my arms seeing the two bandages covering sections of my wrists. I looked at them for quite a while, until there was a knock at the door. I relax them and rest them on top of the quilt cover.

"Hey hey!" It was Nate, being very enthusiastic as usual.  I let out a short/ quiet hi, and gave him a hug. He hugged me back tightly.

"Now it you need anything, please contact me. If you're feeling a relapse. Give me a call and I will come home. Don't hesitate." He said smiling at the end.

"Thanks Natey, I love you."

"Love you too, now take care." With that he walked out of my room and went to work. I heard the car exhaust pipe getting more and more quiet. I was alone. So much can happen when I'm alone. I try and bump away the thoughts and walk down stairs. I get myself some breakfast and watch some TV. There was nothing really so I decided to read a bit. Anne Frank's diary seemed like a good choice.


Time must of flown because I have read a lot of her book and It was becoming late afternoon. I felt fragile and down. This is the problem with having so many psychological issues. I seem to be relapsing. I keep getting flushed and very emotional. My arms need attention, they want attention. I heard a door slam. As if someone was angry. My heart rate went up, not helping that I'm on the verge of breaking down. I grabbed my phone from the coffee table and proceeded to the kitchen. I grabbed a knife from the stand and held it close to me. I ran into the nearest bath room and locked the door. I opened the window slightly, just in case. This was not good. I was lying on the ground in tears.

"Daisy?" I heard a ghostly voice say. Someone kept repeating my name over and again. My forehead was pressed against my knees.

"SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP!" I was telling whoever it was in my house. I was screaming and kicking. I kept my eyes shut, I didn't  want to see if anyone was there. A puddle of wet tears formed around the side of my face. I calmed down a bit until the voice came back.

"It's all your fault he's dead." It was blunt. It was as if it was coming from my mind. But yet it was so loud and clear.  Making me go into hysterics.

"Daisy? Open up? Please your scaring me." It sounded like Nate. I crawled to the door and flicked the door knob. He ran in holding my body in my arms.

"Daisy, what's happened?! Wh--y didn't you call me Daisy! He said while his voice was choked up.

"There are people telling me it's my fault, it is my fault Nate!" He was crying and moved.

"There's no one here. You have to see a doctor as soon as possible." He sounded so worried.

"I hate this, I don't want to be here. Just please take me out of my misery." I said trembling, tears pouring out of my eyes.

"Daisy you are here for a reason. Its cliche' but its so true. You're going to get passed this and you will find value and how such a special human being you are." He said smiling while wiping his tears.

"I'm sorry I do this to you. Thank you for being here." I embraced him tightly. I'm glad I have such a supportive cousin.

"I want you to come to work tomorrow, I don't feel comfortable leaving you here alone. Plus you can see Jake." He said with a smirk at the end.

"What about Jake? You do know I only just met him right?" I said confused.

"Don't pull that card. I saw the way he looked at you and you looked at him." He said staring at me. Before I could say anything else. Nate brought me into the kitchen where he gave me flowers.

"Why did you do that?" I said while smelling the rainbow assortment of Daisies.

"I didn't" He said. I was about to question him but he beat me too it.

"Jake got them for you!" He said happily. My heart burst. He is lovely and caring.

"He was really worried about you, so he got you some 'daisies' to cheer you up."

"I'll have to give him a massive hug when I see him next."

'That will be tomorrow. You can roam around set and check out whats happening." He said to me. Hopefully I'll be able to cope in a new environment, since today and yesterday weren't so fun. I'll also see Jake. I can't even deal that he got me flowers. What is this man trying to do with me? Because whatever he is doing, its working. I smiled at the bouquet and tried to relax after a mentally stressing today.

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