Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 is now live! Enjoy lovelies! xx

chapter 6

I got up nice and early to hit the shops with Nate. I was quite fearful with people being everywhere and most likely judging, but it's going to happen anyways.


We arrived at shops where I search for tonights outfit commenced. I was always very close to Nate as the thought of people sent shivers up my spine. I wanted to get this trip over and done with. We went into a few shops where I looked closely, especially at the prices. Nate kept getting fans coming up to him and asking for photos. A lot of them questioned about me, if I was his girlfriend and all different things. Some even wanted photos with me, but it made me really worried where all the photos could end up. I could get hate, really anything. I tried to push those thoughts out of my mind as we entered a shop. A beautiful 2 piece black floral lace set captured my attention. I ran to the rack and looked at the price, which was reasonable. Then fled to the dressing rooms. I felt good about myself. Both pieces hugged my body tightly. They were beautiful.

"Nate come here!" I yelled.

"Yeah, what do you need?" He asked. I opened the red velvet curtain and showed him what I was going to buy.

"You look stunning! And so happy! I'm so proud of you, I hope he treats you like a princess." He came and kissed my forehead. It made me blush. I haven't heard someone say something so nice to me before.

"Thank you Nate, you know how to make me feel good inside!" I smiled and took the outfit off. I put it back on its racks and took it to the register. I got my wallet out with the money I have saved up, I was about to the hand the lady the money until Nate stepped in and got out his credit card.

"Nate, No!" demanding him to stop.

"Dais, it's the least I can do. Spend it on something that you really love!" By the time he had finished talking the payment was finalised.

"I do love the outfit though!" I giggled. I playfully punched him as we continued our search. We arrived at a nice shoes place. They were so expensive, but I wouldn't give up. I found a pair of nude heels, they weren't too high, but just perfect for tonight. I walked in them around the shop.

"They look great! Definitely get those!" Nate said happily. With that I purchased them and we made our way home. I had a black cardigan at home, so I could wear that over the top. That will make me feel less insecure and not worry about my wrists being show.


He said he was going to pick me up at 6pm, and its around 4pm now. I've been wearing my heels the whole day to get a feel for what it would be like tonight. I was so excited yet so nervous that I wanted to pull out. I'm always thinking, but not enough thinking of the positives. Time must of past because it was now 4:30. I decided to hop in the shower.


I did my hair half up, half down. Curling it slightly at the end. I hair sprayed it and looked at the time again. 5:15.

"Shit" I muttered to myself. I still need to do my makeup an get dressed. With my makeup I went with a very bronze look. I went full on. I liked doing makeup because it's like my face is an art easel and I'm in control. It so fun to do. I finished applying the nude lipstick and looked in the mirror at what I did.

"I don't look to bad after all hey," While I cleaned up any marks on hand from the makeup and smoothing over my hair one more time. Now was the exciting part, to put on my new clothes and finish the look. I slipped on the black skirt the fitted at the waist. Then I slid on the top (which I couldn't really wear a bra with as it showed through) it made me look flat chested, but I can put my hair over it. One last perfect piece to add to the outfit is my dads ring. I wear it out to anywhere nice or fancy. Its very special to me and its the only thing I got of his from his will. It was now 5:55pm. I had to find that cardigan! I looked through my entire closet trying to find it. But it was nowhere to be found. I ran to the laundry to see if it was there. As I was running I heard a car pull up. I was getting all anxious, If I couldn't find it then my cuts would be visible.


"DAAAAIISSSSSY!" Nate yelled at the top of his lungs.

"IM COMING, HOLD UP." I yelled back. Luck must of been on my side tonight as I found it finally, in the underwear pile. I scrunched my nose at the thought. I put it on and ran to the front door, my heels clacking away, echo's throughout the hallways.

"Finally Daisy!" Nate said laughing.

"I'm sorry, I had to find something!" I laughed back.

"He's waiting outside for you! By the way you look gorgeous as ever, have fun!" He gave me a hug and I opened the door.

"Daisy! I was afraid you had forgot!" His mouth dropped at the sight of me. He pulled me in for a tight hug, slowly releasing me.

"You, you look so beautiful" He said while looking me up and down. It made me scared knowing he was practically analysing every part of my body.

"Well, you look great in your tux!" I said while blushing.

"Should we leave for the venue then?" He said excitedly.

"Of course!"

"After you Miss Vana" He remembered! He opened the door of the car for me, how sweet.

"Thank you Mr Gyllenaal!" I said letting out a laugh at the end. From there we drove off to the venue.

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