Chapter 9

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We were still in the hospital, I was so tired, I couldn't even move. Even more, my arm was aching badly.

"Come on Daisy, lets hit the road." Jake said while rubbing osition, such a cutie.

"Oh you saved me my knight!" I said enthusiastically.

"I must get you home before dawn, my lady." He joked back. He made me laugh so much. We got outside the hospital doors and he set me down. Thankfully there were no paparazzi around at this time of the morning. He hoped into jakes car and set off.

"Do you to get a drive-thru zaraffas?" He asked me while keeping his eyes on the road.

"Mmmm that sounds good!" I said to him as I licked my lips. A little while later after chattering on we made it to the drive thru.

"What do you want Daisy?" He questioned me.

"Chocolate Fusion Frappe, please." He told the person at the window, which was followed by his order. We drove to the next window to collect our drinks.


Arriving home.

We pulled up into the driveway in front of my house.

"Do you want to come in? No ones home so I'll be doing nothing all day." I told him.

"Of course, only if you want me too." He looked at me. I nodded as to say yes. He took the keys out of the ignition and we go out. I found the spare key under the pot plant and we went inside.

"Make yourself at home!" I told him as I went to have a shower. I could finally take this tight skirt off and be free. I hoped in the shower with the warmth of the water running down my body. I felt so relaxed and fresh. I hoped out after a while and put some comfy clothes on. I then took the smudged makeup off my face and made my way downstairs to Jake. He was lying on the couch, looking pretty uncomfortable. After all, he was in a tight suit.

"Wanna come over to mine?" He asked me out of the blue.

"Sure, it would be pretty boring in this house anyways," I said to him.

"You look very nice by the way, you look better with loose clothes on." He said to me sweetly. So did he not like me when I dressed up? A million thoughts were racing through my mind. I have to stop thinking so negatively all the time. My thoughts were interrupted by the loud engine of the car.

"shit", I muttered to myself, he's already out there. I ran out and locked the door behind me.

"Sorry Jake, I uh I was looking for something!" I had to make up something quick smart.

"No problems," He said. I think his house is quite far away. We've taken street after street. Gone through some forest areas and now we're near some large houses on acreage. There all these mansions with beautiful green vines and towering gates like, damn this is the life.

Set Me Free (A Jake Gyllenhaal Fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant