Chapter 8

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I started to take my cardigan off.

"So you're ok with me?" He asked.

"I trust you Jake.  Do you trust me?"

"I trust you." He whispered. I could feel some tears coming out. This was a big moment for me. I have never opened up so quickly to someone like this. I took one sleeve off then the other. I haven't felt the cold on my arms in ages., it was such a foreign feeling. My bare wrists were out on display, for him to see. He was still looking into my eyes, waiting for my permission to allow him to see.

"Yo-- you can see." He gently grabbed hold of my arms, he analysed them in depth. He didn't say anything.

"The past year hasn't been good for me. I feel I'm the one to blame for my dad's death. It's like a little voice in my head that keeps telling me to do it and now I can't stop." He looked up to me.

"You're so kind, I would never think of you to do this. But I'm forever supporting you Daisy." I smiled at him.

"Show me what that pap did to you." I showed him. One of the stitches had moved. He pulled out my stitch.

"That looks very painful, I should take to the ER to get that fixed up." He said panicking a bit.

"The pains gone now, It will heal." I told him straight up. Jake began to move closer to me. His front seats was a 3 seater, so you could basically lie down.

"You look tired, you can lie on me if you want." He offered to me. I took my heels off and rested my body on his. My head was on his thighs, with me looking directly up to him.

"You and Nate are the only people I have full trust in. The night when you came over he found out. Its hard keeping something in that eats you alive every day." I said in a sad tone.

"I feel honestly so honoured that you're able to show me one of your biggest secrets." He look down at me.

"It's quite strange how you haven't known each other long, yet it's almost like I've been around you for years."I said as I played with his key ring.

"We have bonded quickly, really quickly." He let out a smile.

"So you don't think I'm an attention seeker or weirdo?" I said nervously.

"No way, everyone's going to have their downs. It's Something you can't control Daisy. I'll always be here." He reassured me. He put a big smile on my face, I couldn't wipe it away.

"You look tired, get some sleep. I would take you home but there are paps lurking around your area." I snuggled into him . It was quite uncomfortable, but I felt secure with him here.


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