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~2 weeks later

Third Person POV

Sitting out the garden hugging her knees. The cool air blowing on her skin as she remained deep in thought. "Tati" Alexis snaps her out of her thoughts, looking up at her there stood Rafael next to her. "Uhm, he wanted to talk to You" she says shyly, nodding her head before leaving the two. Clearing his throat before walking over plopping down next to her. "I came to actually check up on you because you have been quiet since that day" he sighs, staring straight ahead in silence, "look I'm so sorry for your loss" he whispers, "but you need to get back up your husband needs you" he says. Gulping down. "I don't personally like your husband, he's not exactly innocent, but I know for a fact he is not a rapist" he breaths, "murderer, drug trafficker, everything but not a rapist and definitely not sloppy because the murders he's been charged with definitely weren't committed by him" he breaths. "Look I did some of my own digging and everyone in charge of the case is working for someone, I'm trying to figure out who" he says. "Du...during the nights where would he be, we need alibis" he says. Wiping the tears off her cheeks, "95% of the time he was obviously out doing his drug business" she croaks, "well out of those 12 women I'm certain we can find that 5% loophole, where he was somewhere legal if we can discredit just one so called victim, the entire case becomes questionable" he says, "you need to try find something" he says making her nod. Turning to face him with her red teary eyes, staring into those green eyes, reluctantly he reaches in pulling her in for a tight hug as she silently sobbed, "shhhh" he coos.

(Alex and Marco)

Sitting out in the yard since the lawyer was able to get them out of the dark cell to a normal maximum security. " have you tried calling her?" Marco questions, "I have, I've even asked the lawyer to reach out to her but nothing" Alex breaths, "I can't stress over her right now, I have to keep on going" he shakes his head, "but you need someone who will prove our innocence" Marco grits, "I have Rafael working with the lawyer, as long as she keeps on paying and doesn't decide to disappear with the kids" he breaths.

"You look better as compared to the morning" Alexis says, giving her a light smile as she bounced little Noemi in her arms, "I realized there's a lot of work that needs to be done and I can't do it whilst miserable" she says, "does he know?" Alexis asks, sighing out before shaking her head no, "I don't even know how I will tell him" she breaths. Quickly changing the subject, "I need to go do something at night, I can't go alone could you go with me, Isis can spend the night" she asks pleadingly, the sound of knocking breaks their thoughts, "hold that thought" Alexis says rushing over to the door as Tatiana remained with Noemi. Her green eyes wide and she played with her toy, "why are you such a grumpy baby" Tati teases playing with her cheeks, "do you know how cute your smile is" she says trying to get a smile from the toddler, "Tati honey" Stella walks in carrying a bouquet of flowers, "hi baby" Tatiana smiles hugging the woman, "oh honey I'm so sorry are you okay?" She questions, "I'm trying" she frowns, "I brought you these" she says handing her the flowers. "Thank you" Tati smiles.....

~later at night

"Parking in front of the old mansion, "oh my god if we get caught" Alexis says in panic, "we won't" Tatiana breaths, "just an in and out, I know they have changed the front locks but I'm certain they haven't touched the sliding door" she says, "just wait in here" Tatiana says. Getting out the car fixing her black hoodie. Lifting her body up before hopping over the fence, looking around the area noticing the small gate to the backyard, gently opening it to her relief it opened. Running towards the glass sliding door, placing the key in, turning it she breathed out in relief. Rushing in the house before running up the stairs, going to their bedroom before rushing in their closet. Rushing to down to safe in the corner, typing in the code. She breaths in relief finding the diary. Closing it up before rushing out the house, "Mrs Giordano" a voice calls out making her eyes widen......

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