Chapter 1 - The Will of Others

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"Come with us!" The announcement came from two burly men in royal gray tunics, with swords on their hips, and the emblem of Triena on their chest

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"Come with us!" The announcement came from two burly men in royal gray tunics, with swords on their hips, and the emblem of Triena on their chest. They grabbed her by the arm and forcefully guided her into the palace yard.

"You know what you did." Even though their tone conveyed certainty, she had no earthly idea what particular incident they could be referring to. There were many to choose from. She was not of the mind to question and end up volunteering information they did not have already. Despite being tight lipped, she still wondered what it was they spoke of. Was it just a moment ago when she swiped a loaf of bread from that street vendor? Or was it last night when she managed to pick a few pockets to cover her room and board? Or maybe she was finally found out...

Whatever the case actually was, there was no running from it. She was unable to move out of their grip. In every way she could she remained defiant. She refused to cooperate. 'I will not make this easy for them' she declared with every action she took. She fought until it was clear fighting them physically was futile. Instead of fighting back, she went limp in their arms. Letting her body become a dead weight to be dragged along, to go where she did not wish to go. Their grip upon her tightened as a result, They did their best efforts to keep her upright.

At this point, they were no longer dragging her along as an uncooperative captive, the two burly men had to resort to carrying her. Their hands beneath her armpits, she was held in the air. Her feet dangled a few inches above the ground, and her tattered dress bellowed in the breeze.

She was recounting the recent events as her humble stall in the market grew further and further from her. Those guards, seemingly doing their duty, nabbed her from the street corner in the marketplace. It was the spot where she sold her lacework. She made each from discarded fabric and threads she'd taken from various places throughout her travels. The most popular garment she ever sold were elegant nightgowns for the unforgiving summer nights of Triena. The lace was bearable, light, and covered the delicate skin of nobles and pauper alike. She did excellent lacework, barely affordable for the common folk but was a favorite among the nobles. Popularity did not make her work profitable.

Regardless of the abundance of nobles that praised her, the clothing she created was so well snitch no one had need for replacement except for once a year. When she was captured, manhandled, and unwillingly transported, she had to leave all her garments behind. She worried when she returned that all her hard work would be the victim of five finger discounts. The greater circumstance ripe with fret was looming ahead of her, the more the marketplace faded from view the deeper the torrent that turned within her.

In all her time in Triena, she never saw into the palace beyond its courtyards. There was one time when she came close. She stood once on the silver frosted tiles of the palace courtyard. She was there waiting upon a maiden named Britha. It was the only time she came close to the mysteries that took place behind those palace walls. She waited there for hours: admiring the silver embossed bricks, the royal emblem etched upon it, and the sapphire gem inset of the dragon's eyes. She knew the outside well.

An odd shaped shadow casted over the courtyard from the highest peak of the Aysel Palace. She looked up to see the source white clouds, a dark outline, and a shimmer of silver that swayed in the wind. She was almost sure of what she was seeing, the men moved her forward and her upward glance became obstructed. 

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