Day 2: Accidental

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One lovely afternoon, Arnold and Helga were alone in the boarding house living room, sitting on the couch and watching TV. Very conveniently and coincidentally, they both reached for the remote on the table right in front of them... at the same time. This caused their hands to accidentally touch. The two blonde's faces went red at this accidental encounter. Arnold then interlaced his fingers with Helga's, forgetting about the TV remote.

"Looks like we're holding hands now." Arnold said flirtatiously.

"Uh, yeah, well... I-! Um..." Helga stumbled, wanting to make a sarcastic comment but didn't have the heart to do so this time so she just sat there blushing as her hand met her football headed boyfriend's hand.

"You know, you don't have to grab the remote at the same time as me as an excuse to hold my hand." Arnold interrupted.

"I wasn't using it as an excuse, it was just a coincidence!"

"Whatever you say, Helga."

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