Day 4: Locket

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Arnold Shortman was casually strolling through the store one day, and that's when he saw some gold plated lockets on one of the shelves. Memories, mad appreciation and devotion instantly flooded his mind. He started thinking of when his girlfriend and true love Helga used her locket to save his parents from their mysterious sleeping sickness. He always had a feeling that Helga had a heart of gold, but in that moment, he knew for sure that she did. If he found the locket in any other situation, he probably would have thought it was quite strange. But any thoughts like that were blocked and erased from his mind because he was just the most eternally grateful and positively overwhelmed that he had ever been in his eleven years of living. And the fact that Helga put aside any anxieties or pride that she had to give Arnold her locket and wake up his parents was the most pure of heart and courageous thing she could've ever done.

Arnold then picked up one of the lockets on the shelves. He was going to buy the locket to put a picture of Helga inside. He didn't care if it was a strange thing, he wanted to do it.

He got home and proceeded to cut out a picture of Helga into a heart shape and put it inside the locket. Now he had a Helga locket, like Helga had an Arnold locket. Arnold wasn't going to bring it to every place he went like Helga did, but he was still going to keep and cherish it.

After all, Helga was his true love just as much as he was her's.

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