Day 6: Time Travel

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Arnold and his parents had decided to go back to the country of San Lorenzo. Arnold was going to miss Hillwood...

But he'd be back to Hillwood in just one week. He was just going on vacation to San Lorenzo, and Helga was coming along too.

They were meeting the Green Eyes during their visit, and they seemed to have some new technology invented. They let Arnold and Helga look around at the inventions. One of them was a time machine, though Arnold didn't realize it was a time machine. And he was holding Helga's hand as they looked around, and he blindy pressed a button.

They immediately got zapped to a different place, and gasped in confusion.

"Where the hell are we, football head? What did you do?" Helga raised her voice.

"I'm sorry, it was an accident!" Arnold defended.

"How are we gonna get out of this one?!" Helga asked, and then realized the machine with the button Arnold pressed was still in sight.

Arnold then saw Gerald in the distance, except he looked around a decade older.

"We've been sent to the future." Arnold said.

Helga was frustrated until she realized she was wearing a wedding dress and a wedding ring. Arnold was also wearing wedding clothes and a ring and they were both standing outside a wedding chapel. Her frustration turned to happiness after the realization.

"We're getting married in the future! We're meant to be!" Helga exclaimed.

A/N: that's totally not how time machines work, but idgaf, not everything has to be accurate, right? This is about Shortaki :)

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