Episode 1

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My name is Asa Misaki. I'm a 15-year-old student and I have superhuman abilities that cause me to be heterochromatic. In other words, I have two different eye colors, one in each eye, black in one white in the other, and my hair is the same, split in two, and pretty short. Again, representing my quirk. I live in a superhuman society in Japan. This is the story of how my friend and I became the world's greatest heroes. It starts in the streets of my hometown in Japan. With my best friend Izuku Midoriya.

"That's one huge super villain!" He exclaims as we and other bystanders watch a villain with a quirk that made him a gargantuan size. The villain knocks over a part of the bridge he towers on and Death Arms catches the bridge, hardly struggling even when the distraction of cheers from us bystanders erupted.

"Stay back!" The hero Backdraft yells to the crowd that we stand in.

"Get away from me!" The villain commands while Kamui Woods, a pro-hero swoops in. Izuku mutters under his breath to where only me and a few other near us could hear him.

"Fanboy..." A man grumbles causing Izuku to flush. I give the impudent man a glare only for him to mumble something incoherently to himself and turn back towards the action. Next thing I know Mt. Lady, a super-heroine just starting to debut, cuts in and knocks the villain off of the bridge and cuffs him within a few minutes to head to the police station.

"Holy shit..." I mutter, watching Kamui Woods wallow as his accomplice receives all the credit. "C'mon Izuchan. We'll be late for school." I say.

"Oh come on, Asachan! I want to figure out what that villain was up to! I've gotta know how his quirk works and..." As Izuku continued I sighed with a grin on my face and use my quirk, controlling the cherry blossoms from the trees around us and use them to drag him along towards school. "Asachan, what are you doing?!!" He grumbles, trying to fight the cherry blossoms as that tickle his neck playfully all the while tugging him along.

"I'm making sure we aren't late. You'll thank me when you have one less tardy on your record." We continue traveling towards our school, and our conversations were all based around the villain. Izuku Midoriya's love for heroes will never waver. We later found out that this villain was no more than another pickpocket. A petty thief. He snagged a woman's purse and had gotten himself cornered. What an idiot.

We arrive at school and by then the cherry blossom petals had long and since been ditched, Izuku dragging himself along, wallowing in disappointment. I enter class first with Izuku close at my side and sit at my desk. Homeroom began once the light sound of a school bell rang and our teacher took the opportunity to start speaking.

"So, now that you're all third-year students you need to start thinking more about what you want to do with yourselves for your career paths. I could hand out career aptitude tests, but I won't waste any time with such things. I know all of you want to head onto the hero path!" he announces throwing the papers in the air, getting cheers from most of the students as they begin showing off their quirks. Izuku slouches a bit in his chair next to me. Just to clear things up, Izuku is quirkless. I have a half and half quirk called Oni and Sakura. It's basically life and death. Aspects of abilities belonging to both sides of the human cycle. I can control anything that has to do with one or the other from summoning souls to creating forests to soul-sucking or even giving someone an extra boost of energy be it myself or another. Even healing is within my capabilities, though healing other people is rather difficult for me. It's a pretty extensive quirk. But once again, Izuku Midoriya, the hero loving boy is in fact quirk-less. I always hated the irony of it. "How does he become the world's greatest hero then?" You must be asking. We'll get there. Buckle up. I promise you it's one hell of a story. I keep my eyes on Izuku as our teacher reprimands the class for power usage.

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