Episode 53

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"None of our attacks are landing. They have enough of them with quirks that contain offense and defense so they can defend and counterattack at the same time." a boy who looks sort of like a blue robot says. He wears a gold chain a white shirt and a black leather jacket with the collar up.

"I guess we shouldn't be surprised UA won't go down without a fight," Shindo says. "Maybe not. But we have a plan." the blue robotic says and tosses what looks like cracked versions of the balls that the long-haired boy from earlier outside caught.

"I'll take it from here. Try not to be jealous when I end up finishing ahead of the rest of our class. But I'm sure you won't mind since I'll be reducing enemy numbers with this elegant attack," he says confidently and the balls in his hands glow. "Target: Lock on," he says and tosses the balls at us. They fall through the ground and everyone looks at the ground worriedly. "My aim is always true. And since these projectiles are coming at them from underground, no one will have time to dodge," he says confidently.

"Where are they gonna pop out?" Midoriya says worriedly.

"Get back I'll handle this. Misaki, I'll need your help." Kyoka says. I nod. "I need you to use an underground large scale attack that won't be affected by my soundwaves," she says.

"Got it," I say and plant my hands against the ground. I guide grey beams beneath my hands and Kyoka plugs her earphone jacks into her gloves and pushes her fists against the ground next to me. "Heart Beat Distortion!"

"Dispersal!" I shout and the grey beam and her vibrations break the ground apart and my beam stuns them, some of the balls the long-haired second year had thrown under the ground back at them and the balls emerge from the ground, heading back towards us.

"They're headed straight for me!" Mineta wails.

"Mina!" I call.

"Right!!" she exclaims and I call on my decaying sand and she waves her hand out towards the balls.

"Maximum strength and viscosity! Protect this perv, Acid Veil!" Mina exclaims and a sheet of acid protects Mineta.

"Thanks! That's such a great move!" Mineta says, sighing in relief.

"It's my defensive special that creates a melty wall." she holds up a hand.

"Dark Sandstorm!! All of you get back right now!" I exclaim to my friends as my sand tumbles towards the second years, the orange balls that I've covered in my own regular sand to make them immune to the decaying sand I make.

"Black Abyss!" Tokoyami shouts, holding a ball in his hand.  "Now Dark Shadow. Piercing Twilight Claws." he attacks the girl with blonde pigtails who asked for Shoto and my autograph, but she dodges by pulling her body into itself.

"Whew that was close," she says. My eyes nearly bulge out of my sockets before I realize that her quirk made her able to pull her body into itself like a turtle. Which is creepy to a few of us. I watch as my sand reaches a few of them and hits at least one or two of their targets. Never the third and I curse quite colorfully in my frustration.

"Interesting. This isn't the Class A from the Sports Festival. It's obvious their training is making them better fighters." the black-haired boy says. It seems he over-analyzes as Izuku tends to. Except he's less swift with it.

"Mm. Looks like all the students are still in a stalemate." Mera says. "Not a single one's passed yet. Oh, and don't worry students, I'll keep you updated with an announcement every time a few students move on to the next round." Mera says over a speaker. I keep my eyes on the black-haired boy and his friends.

"Outta the way! Their defenses are too strong right now. I'll fix that." he says and crouches to the ground. Ochaco gasps and I narrow my eyes a little. "Maximum force!" his hands start to glow against the earth. "Tremoring Earth!!" He exclaims and the earth starts to break beneath us.

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