Episode 16

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"Misaki never seems to disappoint in this obstacle course, and she pulls ahead after swinging through the canyon, with no sweat, and lands! That landing sure was rough, but that's one tough cookie right there! These first years are already off to one rockin' start and it's only the first round! Talk about a cruel obstacle course! Our competitors are racing on a 4-kilometer track where ANYTHING GOES as long as they stay on the track. We'll continue to bring you live-action updates and pulse-pounding action thanks to the camera robots placed around the course!" Present Mic says. I feel the energy of his excitement just through the sound of his voice. 

"Why do you need me here..." Mr. Aizawa says in the background.  

"Asa Misaki pulls ahead and runs onto the last obstacle course as Shoto Todoroki slowly but surely conquers the canyon sliding by on the ropes! But it's like the energy's been sucked outta him, he's nowhere near as quick as he was in the beginning!!" Present Mic yells through the intercom. 

"That's because it has. A part of her quirk allows her to steal energy to store in order to efficiently use her life and death abilities. If you noticed she didn't just teleport back to tease him. She needed energy and took it to get it." Mr. Aizawa says. I groan as he explains one of the abilities of my quirk. So much for the element of surprise for anyone who didn't know my quirk. Everyone's going to want to stay long range with me now. Dammit. I think. I push on as I come to the last obstacle and Todoroki's behind me as I step onto the dirt field.

"And now, we're finally approaching the last obstacle. Everyone had better tread carefully. You're stepping onto a minefield!!!" Present Mic announces and I step onto it hastily, keeping my eyes on the ground. Search for their energies. Look for the bombs. Weave through as you need, just don't activate them. I think to myself and start to step over bomb after bomb, nearly jogging at the point, my agility coming in clutch, my weight on the balls of my feet.

"Wow! Misaki seems to be avoiding every single bomb as she practically runs through it! How does she do that?"

I turn my head to check on Todoroki's progress and it looks like he's following in my footsteps to keep my pace. He was practically at arm's length. I continue moving and he grabs my arm after about two more steps, nearly causing me to scream.

"Oh, shit," I mutter flinching and attempting to pull my arm away as he grips it.

"Good try, Misaki," he says. That's when Bakugo came flying towards us from an overhead point. Great. I try to suck Todoroki's energy and pull myself away, but he grabs my hands with his free one and freezes them. I exhale sharply at the shock of the cold and I swing my hands into his ribs and begin decaying the ice as I pull myself away. He groans, not taking more than a moment to recover and regain his breath. I continue searching for the energies of the bombs as I jog a bit quicker now through the field and keep moving. I desperately wanted to portal, but if I did I wouldn't have the energy to get to the end of the course. Others who passed the canyon that Present Mic has introduced as "The Fall", begin to show up. Bakugo appears, blasting toward us both, gaining on us gradually.

"You suck!" he screams from the sky and I grab Todoroki's arm and shoulder and flip him onto the ground. I make sure that he doesn't hit the ground where there are bombs and step over him quickly. He seems panicked as he fell, unsure of the presence or lack thereof of any bombs.

"AND WE HAVE A NEW LEAD AS KATUSKI BAKUGO MAKES AN EXPLOSIVE BOOST FOR HIMSELF TOWARDS THE FINISH LINE!!" I look back and spot Izuku as Bakugo launches past Todoroki and me, narrowly missing us, my hair blocking my view of his face.

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