Episode 65

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A/N: uhhh sorry im kinda bad at remembering to post and I literally have a reminder on my iPad oops anyway here you guys go :)

"What are you doing with your face?" Sir Nighteye asks and pushes his glasses up. "Is this a joke to you?" he almost growls and approaches him.

"Uh. No, I guess not." Izuku replies, still speaking in his All Might imitation voice and I shake my head and facepalm. Bubble Girl was limp, still on the machine, looking like she may pass out.

"You attempted this blasphemous excuse of an impression on All Might's former sidekick?" he begins to move Izuku's face. "All Might's wrinkles aren't like this at all. You fool," he says and Izuku's currently untouched eye practically bulges from his socket as I keep from laughing at Izuku's facial expressions. "In his early days, his crows' feet were 0.6 centimeters long. From the Silver Age on they were 0.8. These days even unlicensed merchandise manages to have the correct wrinkles in the correct era. But you don't even know that much?" he says. I notice then that every point of his room is covered in All Might merchandise. If I didn't know better I'd say this was Izuku's bedroom. Sir Nighteye releases Izuku, and stands back up at his full height, and towers over us both. "I don't care for this one bit. You can see yourself out," he says.

"The vinegar river incident!" we both say.

"Were you not aware of it, sir?" Izuku asks and I stand at my full height.

"A middle schooler whose quirk allowed him to change the properties of water was drowning in a river." I begin. "But All Might saved him."

"The drowning kid panicked and accidentally turned the river into vinegar. Which obviously, ended up getting in All Might's eyes." Izuku continues.

"His face ended up looking slightly different than normal afterward."

"That smile. Those narrowed eyes. That's the look I chose to impersonate earlier." Izuku explains and we both stand, pivoted so our bodies face each other but our faces are towards him.

"I know this rescue. Although it took place before I teamed up with him. And I believe they mentioned it briefly on the widely-run television special entitled 'A Look Back.'" Sir Nighteye's back is towards us but his head is tilted to look at us.

"Yes! Asa and I love that show! I know there weren't any villains involved, so some people think it was a boring save. I'm sure that's why the fans don't talk about it much, but we both admire that save for some reason." Izuku says excitedly.

"The best part had to be the witty response he gave after the kid he rescued thanked him!" I say and recite the words. "'I'm the one who should be thanking you.'"

"My skin feels ten years younger." I hear Sir Nighteye speak the words with me and I turn away from Izuku to face him.

"Yeah, that's it! It was the perfect one-liner!" Izuku says giddily.

"Now I see. You two were just testing me."

"Hm?" I tilt my head.

"What? Oh, no. It's just that since All Might is a teacher at my school, we never really get a chance to geek out about him unless I'm with Asa." Izuku says nervously, reassuring the intimidating man and gesturing towards me.

"I apologize. I guess we just got a little excited." I give a small smile as the man reapproaches us both. 

"As I recall, the child's volatile home life was to blame." Sir pushes his glasses up a little. The reflection allowed me to see the dark freckles against my cheeks, surprisingly. They're only usually visible if I get pale or you're right in front of me.

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