making some friends

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' means texting
*in thought/actions
"Whispers/quote on quote

Deku is running across rooftops in incursio trying to find a good place to sleep since he dosen't have any money

Deku then lands on an apartment building roof and decides he's going to sleep there

As deku is preparing to sleep a man grabs his shoulder which scares him and so he grabs the man's hand and flings him over his shoulder

Deku:HOLY CRAP SORRY! I just don't like being snuck upon.

He helps the man up

?:it's fine I just wanted to ask you a question or two.

Deku:what's up?

?:why are you up here?

Deku:don't have any money to get a motel room or a home.


Deku:I'm not from here.

?:where are you from?

Deku:I'm from the empire. I was part of the group who liberated it.

?:revolutionary army?

Deku:night raid.

?:your an assassin?

Deku:trying to get out of the killing business. I'm not directly proud.

?:well. Mind coming with me?

Deku:not at all. Just don't try to pull anything.

?:I'm not. Come on.

They then start to go across the rooftops and talk

?:so what are you trying to do?

Deku:become a hero. After I saw the piss poor example I saw yesterday I decided to do something.

?you do know your past will come back eventually right?

Deku:and I'm ready to face it head on.

?:really? Well that's good to know.

They then stop at a beach that is covered in garbage and old run down vehicles

Deku:god this place is a fucking dump.

?:agreed but no one wants to clean in.

Deku:alright I'll start on this in the morning.

?:good luck this has been an illegal dumping ground for almost a decade.

Deku:perfect. Well see ya mister-.

?:yagi. Toshinori yagi.

Deku:see ya later yagi.


The next day

Mina ashido wakes up and gets dressed and eats breakfast then calls her friends up

Momo:'hey mina'.

Uraraka:'what's up'.

Mina:'hey want to go to the mall'?

Uraraka:'yeah I'm down'.


They then meet at dagobah municipal beach

Momo:hey ashido.

Mina:hey. Question wasn't this place a dump yesterday?

 Question wasn't this place a dump yesterday?

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