mock battles

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After everyone gets to class some people try and talk to deku

Uraraka:hey midoriya.

Deku:oh hey uraraka. Also call me deku or tatsumi.

Uraraka:oh ok tatsumi. So how did you get incursio?

Deku goes silent before telling her

Deku:it was a final gift from a friend.

Uraraka:oh sorry if it brought up some bad memories.

Deku:na its ok. Actually it gave me some good memories but also some weird ones.

Shows their first proper meeting

Deku shivers

Deku:but yeah. I knew him during my night raid days.

Iida:still don't think you're ready to even consider being a hero(ya Iida's kind of a dick sorry Iida fans).

Deku:yeah well fuck you.

Uraraka:jeez Iida that's harsh. He's trying to get out of that past.

Iida:still he's not hero material.


Iida:*le gasp*.

Deku:human caterpillar five o clock.

Bakugo:fuckin*turns around to look at the podium*AHH FUCK!

Aizawa is laying down

Aizawa:you'll have someone else watching and making sure you don't kill each other. I'll be asleep.


"I AM"


He plugs his ears and aizawa puts on noise canceling headphones as all might busts through the door


Deku:you guys good?

He looks at everyone who is covering their ears and in pain

Momo:we're fine. Just a sec.

Am:oh sorry young heroes.

After everyone can hear again all might begins to explain what's going on

Am:today we will be doing.

He pulls out a box seemingly out of God knows where he then pulls a card out that has "battle" on it

Deku/bakugo 💭:oh hell ya.

Deku:what kind of battle? Hand to hand,quirk fights or hostages?

Am:you will see. Get to the locker room put on your hero costumes and meet me at fake city 2.

Everyone goes into the locker room and get their hero costumes on

In the male locker room

Denki:yo midoriya-.

Deku:call me deku or tatsumi.

Denki:oh dekubro. Hey uh whats that?

He points to a giant scar on deku's back

Its a scar that goes from Deku's left shoulder down to his right hip

Deku:an injury I got during the final battle so the empire couldbe free.



After they get their hero costumes on they go down to the fake city and so do the girls

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