class pres and harem begins

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The day after the battle training everyone has gotten ready to go to class but one is unaccounted for

Momo:hey have any of you seen midoriya?

Ejira(I fixed last chapter and replaced kirishima with denki keep forgetting shes a girl):oh actually I think I saw him this morning.

Then they go down to the common room and see deku asleep on the couch with shirt open

Bakugo:yeah he's definitely doing this on purpose.


He then points to the girls who are all red as hell

Uraraka then goes up to deku and shakes him awake

Uraraka:uh t-tatsumi.

Deku wakes up

Deku:bout time.

He then closes his shirt and grabs incursio and puts it on his back

Uraraka💭:is he doing this on purpose?

Momo💭:what are you doing midoriya?

In deku's head

Cricket noises

As they make their way to class

Aftwr they arrive deku puts in his headphones

Then Iida pulls Deku's headphone out and deku points incursio at Iida

Deku:do that again and incursio goes through your neck.

Bakugo:do it again glasses.

Iida:frick that.

Deku then puts his headphone back in


Deku is now sensing something familiar

Deku shoots up and takes out his headphones

Momo:what's wrong?

Deku:everyone quiet.

After a few moments of silence a knife comes through the window and is about to hit Uraraka but is blocked by Incursio

Deku:that bitch has a lot of fuckin nerve.

He then jumps out of the window and activates incursio after he tells the class to get down

From far away

?:that got his attention.

??:a little to much.

Then they see they got company

Deku currently is holding the man over the edge of building and his foot on the woman's chest

Deku:you have four seconds before I kill you two.

Then his suspensions are confirmed by his foot suddenly becoming incased in ice

Deku:I was right. Good to see you.

He kicks the woman's hat off


Esdeath:hello love.

Deku:cut the shit. Why did you try to kill that girl?

Esdeath:I'm a psycho and she was getting to close to you. You're mine and mine alone.

Deku then steps on her again

Deku:now that. You really shouldn't have said.

He then kicks her across the country football style and he just knocks the guy out and drops him 3 blocks away

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