entrance exam

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Months after deku sending that creep to the hospital it's the day of the U.A entrance exam

Deku is running from rooftop to rooftop to get to U.A

Deku was finally able to exchange his money from the empire(which in total equaled to around 10,000 usd) and had it exchanged into yen

Deku then jumps down the last roof and lands and to soften the landing he does a rollout and he gets up

Deku:well here goes nothing.

He walks across the entrance and he sees all sorts of people

To a man with spider legs instead of human legs to a girl with beautiful butterfly wings

Deku:*dame quirks really are random*.

He sees a girl about to fall and with his speed he runs over and catches her

What deku sees is a girl with purple hair that has what looks like a heartbeat monitor signal in it and he notices she has some kind of Jack's of earphones coming from her ear loabs

Deku:you okay?

?:y-yeah thanks.

Deku gets the girl up and sees

Deku:oh hey your jiro right?

Jiro:oh yeah.

Then deku walks away

Jiro:h-hey wait a sec!

She runs up to deku


Jiro:you have been seen by my friends you even LOOKED at them but you never communicated with them even if they if they called to you. What the heck?

Deku:they don't need to talk to someone who they just met and shouldn't really trust.

Jiro:well you do kinda have a po- wait a dame second then why did you even bother to help them with that guy?

Deku:felt like kicking ass.

He then walks away leaving a bewildered jiro behind

In the hero course exam room

Present mic appears out of nowhere and starts to yell


Deku covers his ear


During the explanation a boy with blue hair and a robot like stature stands up and raises his hand


Present mic:HIT ME!

Deku:"fucking gladly".

?:you said there was 4 robots but on this sheet.

He points to the piece of paper each

?:but this sheet right here has four robot's.

Deku:"jesus christ just shut it".

?:and you!

The boy turns around and points at deku

?:you have been Looking very disinterested-.

Deku:shut the fuck up already and let mic fucking finish!

Everyone flinches at this and everyone gasps and shuts up

A kid with ash blond hair that looks like an explosion looks over at deku

?:*huh I like that guy already*.

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