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After the first day ends everyone is told to go to their dorms and their told all the rules

Aizawa:some of your stuff is already unpacked. So just get to your room and unpack. Then do whatever the fuck.

Iida:*le gasp*.

Before Iida could go on a rant deku knocks him out

Then they go in and deku puts Iida on the couch

Deku goes to his room and starts to unpack and assemble a few things

With everyone else after 19 minutes Iida has woken up

Iida:what happened?

Ejira:you got knocked out by midoriya.

Then everyone sees deku come down into the common room and on the phone and with a glass of water

Leone:'so tatsumi have a girlfriend yet'?

Deku spits out the water and begins to choke


Leone laughs

Leone:'what? Come on tatsumi can't be alone forever'.

Deku:fucking watch me.

Akame takes the phone

Akame:'she's right you know'.

Deku:name one fuckin person that would date me.


Deku spits out more water and akame gets knocked out by mine

Mine is now completely embarrassed and takes the phone


Deku:yeah I know.

He then hangs up and begins to mumble something

Deku:leone you fucking idiot.

He then goes to the kitchen and gets a snack

Deku:Jesus when will they leave me alone?!

Momo:uhhh what happened?


He then walks back to his room

About 10 minutes later ejira goes up to Deku's room to see if he would want to come down to the common room so they can properly introduce themselves

Ejira knocks on Deku's doors and it cracks open a bit

Ejira:*opens the door*hey midoriya do you want to-.

She sees his room


She then notices deku shirtless and doing pull ups

He's also sweaty

Deku hasn't noticed her cause he's listing to some really loud music and is looking up

During a pull up he feels a tap on his shoulder and he looks down to see his red haired classmate in his room

Deku💭:guess I forgot to close the door properly.

He takes out a earphone and pauses the music

Deku:whats up?

Ejira:w-we wanted t-to see i-if you wanted to come down and introduce ourselves to each other.

Ejira💭:on no he's hot.

Deku:oh sure. I'll be down in a sec.

Ejira then walks out completely red and she makes it down to the common room and is questioned why she's red

Ejira:I accidentally walked in while he was working out.

Iida:you know how inappropriate that is imagine what you could've walked into.

That puts an image in the heads of the girls and they turn crimson


Bakugo:god dammit glasses you broke them.

Iida:what kind of image could I have put in their head to do- oh.

Then deku comes into view

Still shirtless


Deku:nah. Its more comfortable.

He sits in the middle of the girls and doesn't really seem to notice their red faces

Bakugo💭:either he's just oblivious or he's doing this on purpose.

Bakugo:hey sword man.

Deku:hm? What's up?

Bakugo:you said you were from the empire correct?

Deku:yes I was.

Bakugo:what were you? I'm guessing some kind of soldier.

Deku:no. I was part of an assasssin group.

This leaves everyone speechless

Iida then stands up and begins to question him

Iida:then why are you trying to be a hero especially with your past!

Deku:I'm willing to face my past head on if I need to.

Iida:why did you join?

Deku:my eyes were opened to the corruption in the empires government.

Iida:why a hero?

Deku:have you seen the current generation of heroes? Most of them are just terrible. Now let's get to the introductions.

They start to introduce themselves and eventually everyone gets to know each other and begin to make friends/more friends but deku goes back to his room

Bakugo:anti-social much.

Momo:maybe he has a reason.


In Deku's room he's going through a file on a computer he has

Deku:where are you?

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