Chapter One~ Feb 14 Pt.1

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Josuke's POV
The sudden sound of an alarm jerked me awake, consequently flinging myself off of the side of the bed from panic.
"Ow fuck..." Not a great way to start the day off I thought to myself. Feeling fully awake after accidentally decking myself I stood up, turned the alarm off, and walked to the bathroom.

As I was styling my hair into its signature pomp a realization came over me,
"It's Valentine's day."
I groaned as I continued to put ungodly amounts of gell in my hair. It's not that there was anything generally wrong with the holiday, in fact I actually love the concept, but I don't know what I'm going to do about the inevitable wave of girls asking me out or trying to give me chocolates. I don't know why girls always flocked to me, I mean other than my good looks and bitchin' hair, but it's not like I was anything special.

I had fallen asleep in my uniform the night before (after spending the whole evening playing a seemingly impossible new game I was too tired to change), so all I had to do was grab my bag and head to school.

"Josuke hurry up you're going to be late and you haven't even eaten your breakfast yet!"
Tomoko yelled. Huh? Oh yeah, I thought and my stomach suddenly growled. I had been so caught up in thinking about the day that I hadn't realized how hungry I was.
"Ok, be down in a sec!"
I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder as I ran out of my room.
"Mornin' mom,"
I muttered as I began shoveling the breakfast she had made into my face.
"Jesus christ Josuke slow down, being late to school will be the least of your problems if you choke and die," Tomoko remarked. By the time she had said that I had already slammed an egg, two pieces of toast, and some bacon I had lost count of.
"Alright I'm gone, bye mom!"
She waved as I ran out of the front door, and headed to Okuyasu's house.

When I had arrived he was already sitting in front of the door, he looked like he'd been waiting for a while.
"Hey man sorry I'm late I lost track of time,"
I wheezed, slightly out of breath from sprinting as fast as possible, despite the short distance.
"Nah man it's all good, dad woke me up early so I've just been sittin' out here watching the birds and stuff."
He pointed to a nearby tree,
"there's a nest up there with some baby's in it, it's pretty neat."
I followed him as he got up and walked towards the tree, the sound of faint chirping got louder the closer we got.
"Oh yeah that's cool man. Wonder when they'll leave the nest,"
I say, then catching a glance at my watch.
"Oh shit bro we gotta get goin' or we're gonna be late."

We started walking to school, chatting and giggling about nothing important.
"Oi Josuke, did you get anyone Valentine's chocolate this year?" Okuyasu asked.
"Nah, there's not really anyone I have to give them too, you?"
"No," okuyasu said, kicking at a small rock, eventually missing and having to leave it behind.
"I bet you're going to get a ton of chocolates though, I mean the chick's at school are always all over you."
"You think so?" I responded.
"Well yeah man, do you think any of 'em will ask you out?"
I thought for a bit,
"Eh, I don't care either way if they do or not, I'd probably just politely decline."
We went back to talking about our nothingness, laughing and yelling without a care in the world.

About half of the way there we ran into koichi, looking short as always.
"Hey okuyasu, josuke"
he said as he smiled and waved at the at us.
"Are guys excited for Valentine's day? Me and Yukako are gonna go on a date after school, I even made homemade chocolates,"
He said as he pulled out a small bag full of heart shaped chocolates.
"Wow, you must like her a lot huh"
Okuyasu remarked.
I decided to contribute to the conversation,
"Seems like you two are really into eachother, I can't believe you got over the whole her kidnapping you thing so fast."
Koichi just laughed it off,
"she's a lot better now, you just gotta get to know her I guess..."
I still thought it was kind of weird, but hey as long as Koichi's happy it can't be that bad.
"So," Koichi turned to us, "what are you guy's plans?"
Okuyasu looked to busy inspecting a cool bug he found on the ground so I went ahead and answered first.
"Well I'll probably just stay in tonight, maybe watch a movie or something. If I go out I'll just be surrounded by gross lovey-dovey couples making out all over the place."
I turned around to do the whole making out with yourself bit but while I was doing it I tripped over rock and fell flat on my back
Koichi and Okuyasu immediately doubled over laughing.
"Hey it's not funny!"
I shout, trying to contain my smile. Ok maybe it was a little funny I thought, but wouldn't admit out loud. Between laughter and tears Koichi and Okuyasu both grabbed an arm and helped me up. Damn that really did hurt though...

We began walking to school again, caught up in the laughter Okuyasu never said what his plans were, and Koichi forgot he even asked. I wonder what he is doing... my mind wondered. I mean it's not like he has a girlfriend, but who knows someone might ask him out today or something. Well if he doesn't have plans I might ask him to come over, we could play that new video game I got.

We eventually made it up to the school, girls starting to notice me and pulling out chocolates from their bags.
"Welp see you guys during lunch, I gotta bounce before I get mobbed to death by love."
Okuyasu and Koichi both waved and headed to their first class. I looked around, girls started to get closer. On instinct I booked it to the nearest bathroom and waited till just before the bell rang to head to class. The hallways were almost empty now, containing only a few stragglers and kids who couldn't care less about getting to class on time.

I walked into my first class and of course they were already there waiting for me. In total I had gotten 3 chocolates and 5 notes, that's I lot of girls I gotta let down... I wasn't really close to any girls at school, or anywhere really. I wasn't looking to just date around like the other guys, I wanted to find someone I could spend my life with, like a soulmate.

Classes seemed to drag on forever with no end in sight, and just as I was about to give up on life itself, accepting my fate of eternal algebra, the bell rang. Fuckin finally thank god. I walked to my locker and shoved all of the chocolate and notes I had gotten inside.
"Hey Josuke!"
I see Okuyasu waving and calling for me. I walk over to him, relieved to finally get a break from using my brain (conversations with Okuyasu were usually less than intelligent, but that's what made them so enjoyable).
"Koichi's hangin' out with Yukako for lunch, so it's just us."
"Well that makes figuring out a place to eat easier, want to go to that sandwich shop?" I asked
"Oh yeah I love that place!"

We were both walking, making light conversation when Okuyasu started to zone off. I waved my hand in front of his face.
"Helloooo anyone home?"
He jumped back startled.
"What'cha thinkin' about man?"
He looked down at the ground.
"Oh I was just thinkin' about all those notes and things you've probably gotten... I haven't gotten any though..."
Despite his rough looking exterior, Okuyasu was just one big softie who wanted to be loved, I've known that since the moment we became friends. It didn't suprise me that he'd be upset about not being anyone's valentine, but that didn't make me feel any less sympathetic towards him.
"Hey man don't sweat it,"
I said lightly patting him on the back
"Who needs girls anyway, you got me and I'll always be there for you. That's what best bros are for right?"
This seemed the cheer him up.
"Thanks Josuke, you really are the best bro a dude could ask for,"
He said, his big goofy smile returing to his face.
"No problem bro, now let's go get some sandwiches!"

The rest of the day flew by, my last class was with Koichi so it was more tolerable. The bell rang and everyone practically ran out of class, excited to go celebrate the commercial holiday. I was just excited to go home. Koichi went with Yukako right after school, so it was just me and Okuyasu again.
"Oh hey Oku, do you have any plans for tonight?"
He let out a half hearted chuckle,
"Do I look like I have plans tonight?"
He said, gesturing to his face.
"Oh come on man, you're handsome as fuck don't say things like that. Anyway, I don't have plans either so do you want to come over? It's also Friday so you could stay the night if you want."
Okuyasu did a full 180, his mood drastically increasing.
"Hell yeah man I just gotta go home first and pack my bag."
"Cool, there's actually something I have to do first so I can do it while you get your things together,"
I said, a plan beginning to brew in my head.
"Oh ok, what'da gotta do?"
I smiled mischievously,
"You'll see..."


Wow 1655 words, that's a lot more than I expected to write lmao. I hope you liked this first chapter, I haven't written a fanfic since I was 12 so I might be a little rusty haha. If you have any comments or critiques please tell me! I'm gonna try and use this as an opportunity to improve my writing, so anything helps! :^)

~Our Bond Is Unbreakable~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon