Chapter Six~ Bored to Death

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Josuke's POV
Monday went by slow as ever, then Tuesday...Wednesday....Thursday....
Nothing eventful had happened at all this week. I didn't even get to hang out with koichi or Okuyasu after school. Koichi spent most of his time with Yukako, unsurprisingly, and Okuyasu felt guilty about staying away for a whole weekend so he stayed at home with his dad.

But finally, it's Friday.
I had a bit of math homework to do, so like the responsible student I am I decided to put it off till the last minute.

"Ughhh I'm so BOREDDD"
I summoned crazy D to hand me my clock, which I threw against the wall only to have him fix it right after.
I kept doing that for a bit, smashing random objects then fixing them back up. This wasn't uncommon for me to do when I'm bored, but each time it got less and less gratifying.
After a few dozen objects I quickly got bored again.
"So how long was that, one hour? Two hours??"
I looked at my clock.
"Whaddya' mean I only did that for five minutes?!"

It was 3:47 pm and I had no idea what to do.
"I don't feel like playing video games, or watching tv, or anything!"
I flopped around on my bed like a distressed fish,
"Why does everything suck-!"
I accidentally flipped out of bed and landed face down on the floor.
"Ow fuck my nose..."
I pushed myself up and walked over to a mirror, where I saw I had a small nose bleed.
"Wow this is literally the most exciting thing that's happened all week,"
I muttered, grabbing some tissue and shoving it up my nose.

I sighed and laid back down, then put on some headphones and turned on my walkman. I currently had purple rain in the player, I didn't feel like switching it out so I pressed play.

Closing my eyes I let the music drift through my ears, filling the empty thoughts my brain was too tired to think. A few minutes past, and a new song started playing...
although I couldn't tell what it was as I had begun to drift off to sleep.

I woke up a groggy mess, my throat dry and sore from sleeping with my mouth open. The headphones I was wearing now only played silence, having finished the album that I was listening to. I remembered my nose and pulled out the dried blood crusted tissue,
I felt dizzy as I swung my head over to check the time, 5:16 pm.
Reluctantly I got up, swaying a bit as the blood rushed through my legs, and walked towards the livingroom.

"Look who decided to wake up..."
Mom was sitting on the couch book in hand, she read for a few more seconds before slipping her bookmark in and closing it.
"Okuyasu called while you were asleep, I said you'd call him back once you woke up."
"Oh, uh thanks I'll go do that."
I walked over to the other room and dialed Okuyasu's number. It rung for a bit and I worried that I had missed him, but he picked up on the last ring.
"Hey Oku, mom said you called me earlier, what's up?"

"Yo Josuke! I was just really bored and stuff, I'm about to cook dinner for dad do ya wanna come over or somethin'?"
Finally something to do, and I get to see Okuyasu, double win...
"Oh totally man, wait hold on let me ask my mom,"
I placed my hand over the speaker and stretched my neck around the doorway,
"Mom can I go to Okuyasu's for dinner!?"
I put the phone back up to my ear.
"She said it was fine, when should I come over?"
"I'm making curry so it'll be about a hour and a half, but you can come over whenever"
"Ooh fancy, I'll be there in ten minutes."
"Sweet! Uh see you then...!"
"See ya~"
I put the phone back on the receiver and ran back to my room, I heard my mom mutter "someone's eager..." but I just ignored it.
I threw off my school uniform and dug through my closet, eventually pulling out a relatively nice pocket tee and a pair of black jeans.
I put on the clothes and went over to the mirror to fix my hair, which had been previously done up but ruined by my impromptu nap. Ugh speaking of sleeping and being tired, I had dark circles under my eyes so I swiped on a little concealer.
Lookin good if I do say so myself...
I grabbed some casual tennis shoes as I left my room to head for the front door.

"Now don't be out too late, I swear if you come home at 1 am one more time-"
"Relax I know, I'll be home around 10."
"I'm gonna hold you to that, anyway have fun!"
She waved goodbye as I headed out the door and I waved back.

There was a warm breeze as the sun peaked out from behind the clouds, giving the town a comfortable feeling.
The leaves in the trees rustled as I walked along the sidewalk. Part of me wanted to get to Okuyasu's house as fast possible, but I also wanted to soak in all of the good vibes the world was given' out.

It had only been a minute or two walk when I arrived, gently knocking on the front door. The door swung open and I was greeted by the short green creature that was Okuyasu's dad.

"Oh! Uh hi Mr. Nijimura!"
I said, slightly taken aback.
He let out a few grunts that sounded happy, and stepped aside to let me in.
"Ah, thank you..."
I stepped inside as he closed the door behind me, it was nice to see Okuyasu hadn't left him chained up like his brother had.

"Oh, hey Josuke!"
Okuyasu came running in, wearing some jeans and a baseball tee with an apron tied around waist.
"Sorry he was just excited to see you..."
I looked over at his dad to see a wide grin and enthusiastic clapping.
"Oh it's fine, I just didn't think he'd recognize me."
"Yeah... he doesn't see many people but I guess from the couple of times you've seen him and how much I talk about you he eventually started to recognize your name and stuff,"
Okuyasu quickly explained.
"So you talk about me huh~"
I smirked and leaned against the wall, watching Okuyasu immediately become flustered.
"Uh, yeah I guess just like I tell him about when we hang out or whatever..."
He rubbed the back of his neck, something he often does when he's nervous.
"Haha chill out man I was only jokin',"
I punched him lightly on the shoulder,
"I talk to mom about you too, I mean we are best friends so it's all good."
He gave a slight smile and mumbled a quick,
"Yeah we are"
Then returned my playful punch.
We stood there for a bit, chuckling as we jabbed at eachother gently.
"I started the curry and rice all ready so I should probably go check on it,"
Okuyasu said, putting his arms up in surrender.
"Uh huh, sounds like you just know you're gonna lose~"
I taunted him.
"Do you hear that? Is that- bucok- *gasp* I think it is!- bubucok! Sounds like a chicken to me!"
Okuyasu just smacked me upside the head chuckling,
"Man shut up it wasn't even a real fight,"
He said walking towards the kitchen.
"Mmhmm sounds like a poor excuse to m-"
The smirk was wiped off my face as I felt my leg kicked out from under me. I fell back into the arms of what seemed to be Okuyasu's stand, the hand.
"Hey no fair! You fight dirty..."
I yelled as the hand pushed me back up on my feet, then disappeared.
"Now who's being a sore loser!"
I heard Okuyasu yell from the kitchen.

I plopped down on the couch, not long after hearing someone else do the same. It was Mr. Nijimura, who looked happy just to be in the vicinity of another person.
"Hm, so how are you?"
I decided to start up a conversation, I didn't really care that it was mostly one sided, it was nice to talk to someone.

I was in the middle of an intense conversation about some shoes I saw in a storefront (well I mean I was really the only one talking, Mr. Nijimura would occasionally chime in with grunts or other various noises), when Okuyasu walked in.

"Nice to see you two getting along, dinner's ready,"
He said smiling.
"Aw hell yeah I'm starving..."

1459 words, two updates on the same day? It's more likely then you think. Lol, I felt bad about how short the last chapter was so I wanted to write another one. I didn't really have a plan for this one, just let my stream of conciousness run wild I guess haha.

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