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Ana said that she was my friend

Ana said that she would be there to the end

That she was the answer

Little did I know, that she stays with you like cancer

Ana told me that I could be small

So I agreed and put up with it all

It was a big price to pay

But I did not want the fat on my body to stay

I did what she said

I stopped eating, soon the thought was out of my head

Ana said that I could enjoy food

If I met her friend Mia, that she would not be rude

I ate, and ate, and ate again

Stuck two fingers down my throat, not caring where or when

My mother heard me with Mia one day

"Back to starving again." I say

So I deprive myself of food once again

I write my feelings on paper using a pen

My body is tiny, my eyes are dull

It's been a long time since I've felt full

My skin is pale, my hair is dry

I always look into the mirror and cry

Who is this girl that I have become?

I did something dumb, now I feel numb

I took away my food, took away my health

I know now that I am not myself

I don't even know her anymore, all I know is that I'm only a shell

I have made my life a living hell

If only I accepted the way I looked

But I stopped eating, now I'm hooked

My body is frail, I am close to death

I lay down, close my eyes, and take my last breath

If you ever meet Ana one day

Please promise me you won't let her stay.

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