Chapter 16

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                                                               Chapter 16

                                                             *Liam's POV*

The next day, the bus arrives at a clear opening and it looks like a field. I look out the window and ask Harry where we are. He looks out and shrugs, saying that he does not know. I shake my head and sigh. I don't know how I can deal with these silly guys. But yet, they do attend to make me laugh. Especially Louis, he is the prankster in the pack. I don't know how boring my life will be without these guys. Totally boring. With them, they always have to do something stupid...just for laughs.

I sink down into the settee and that's when Zayn and Niall come into the room and sit with me and Harry. I look at the clock on the wall and see that it is almost ten in the morning. Louis should be up by now. And what about Alix? She doesn't stay asleep this late either? Does she? How should I know? I don't! Calm down you sound crazy. I sit back, but lean up as Alix starts to walk into the room.

She wears a simple red and black checkered button-down shirt with the first top two buttons undone, dark blue jeans that come close the her legs, and black All-star converse sneakers. Her long silky dark hair is out and goes freely down her back and some goes over her shoulder and over her breasts.

It is hard to believe that a girl like her is able to go on tour with us. She is so beautiful and we are...typical. Yes, girls do go crazy for us, but still. No difference in that.

Alix sits beside me and ruffles up my hair. I kind of blush, but I hide it a little. I sigh as she just sits there and starts to play around with a rubber-band from the floor. She doesn't speak until now.

"So, where are we now?" she asks.

"We have no clue" says Harry. Alix shakes her head and looks out the window. Her face then grows bright as she puts knees in the chair and sits on them.

"You seem excited" I say.

"I am! We are in Arkansas! My Aunt Mary lives here and so do some of my cousins" says Alix. At that very moment, we all hear a loud blow horn go off and my heart stops a little and then goes back in rhythm once it is over. Alix sits the correct way and tries to catch her breath. "What the hell was that?"

"I don't know" is what Niall says.

And at that second, Louis walks into the room with paint splattered all over his face. He stands there with his face looking at us all. I hold back a small chuckle and look at him. I notice Alix and Zayn are biting their lips, but smile a little. Something tells me that they must have something to do with this.

"Last night I had a dream that I was surrounded by rainbows and I saw a small leprechaun. He told me to jump onto the one of the rainbows and to slide down the other side. I did and that's when an earthquake and a siren errupted" says Louis. "And once that happened, the rainbow melted down and before you know, I am covered in it."

I bite my own bottom lip to hold back and prevent a laugh or chuckle from coming out of my mouth. Louis asks who is the one who did this to him. We know that Harry never could have done this to his best mate, nor Niall. And we all know that it was not me. And that leaves Louis with Alix and Zayn. It is hard for us all to believe it was Alix, but Zayn is reasonable.

"Sinister Zayn Malik" goes Louis, "you have a dark gift. And we know you did it, correct?"

Zayn lets out a sigh and nods. "Yeah."

"But he didn't do it alone. I helped him. I came up with the prank and Zayn and I did it together" says Alix. "I mixed the paints in the bowl while Zayn taped the blow horn to the alarm clock with the dutch tape."

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