Chapter 21

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                                                                  Chapter 21

                                                                 *Zayn's POV*

It has been over fifteen minutes and Alix isn't back yet. I feel my palms sweat a little as I sit in the settee. Something just doesn't seem right about that boyfriend of her's. He seems to be up to no good. Maybe that is the main reason to Alix and him splitting. He looks mean, and no good. At least to me. But why does it matter to me? I love her, yes, but that one kiss we shared...she may not like me the same way. After all, it was one kiss. She and the Jacob Latimore, shared dozens. 

I then hear Liam's voice.

"You okay Zayn?" he asks.

No I am not you idiot! Alix's ex boyfriend is back and who knows what he is doing?! I yell in my head.

"Yeah, just wondering what's going with Alix and that piece of trash" I say.

Harry chuckled. "I am sure she is fine" he says.

"You don't know that curly" I hiss.

"Take it easy there fella," says Niall, "he was just being positive. Calm down."

I sigh when I see that Nialler is right. I need to calm down. Alix is fine. I need to calm down. I cannot let the guys see that I fancy Alix. Then, at that very second the door to the tour bus swings open but slowly. And in steps Alix. My heart brightens.

She sits closes the door behind her and moves her feet slightly. She stares down into the space. I worry. What is wrong with her? What did that Latimore do to her?

"Alix?" goes Louis, walking up to her, "what is it?"

Silence comes from her, but she allows Lou to look at her hand. What is going on? Louis gasps, and I hear him congratulate her. Congratulate her for what? The rest of us look and my throat closes. A dazzling, ring is on Alix's finger that has the front engraved: Forever.

She. And. Jacob. Are....


I let this all sink in. My heart stops as I look at the ring. She cracks a slight smile, but not a bright one. This is it then. She and Latimore are getting married. This a burden for me. Alix hugs each of us at once and when she reaches me, I feel my throat grow hard. I release her and she looks at me. I look down a little, but I don't show my sorrow. I just smile and mouth, "Congratulations."

She nods slightly and smiles weakly. "Thanks guys, I don't know what to say" she says.

"When is the wedding?" asks Louis.


"We are planning maybe in two weeks. We will be married in my hometown" she says.

"Bronx?" asks Harry.

She nods. "That way my family will be at the wedding" she says. "And I want you guys to come as well."

My cheeks flush. Not from love or happiness, but from anger and sorrow. I am inlove with her, and she wants me to watch her marry this jerk?! ARGH!!!

I force a small curl from the corners of my mouth to show. "We will be happy to come" I force out.

"Thanks" she says. She then walks into the back and goes in her room. The guys decide to leave and to go walk around for a little.

"I'll catch up" I say and they go.

I walk into the back and see Alix's door cracked open. She slips off her ring and rests it on her bed. I notice her rubbing her thigh as if it is soar. I wonder what is wrong. I never seen her do that before. What did that fucking Jacob do to her?

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