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chapter two ; it's paint on canvas,
the contrast between its black
and white

☽chapter two ; it's paint on canvas,the contrast between its black and white

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THE WEATHER was warm. The breeze humid against the skin, and the sun shining brightly, keeping Seoul lit up and dancing. It has been a full month the first time Nara has seen the stranger that caught her eye the moment he walked in, and everyday she's seen him enter the coffee shop, ordering the same iced americano and blueberry cheesecake, sitting at the same spot every time he was there - by the window, just a couple feet away from her.

Jungkook had sat across from her, a red headed Hoseok beside him.

Finally, she could breath. She had finished the third and final painting for her project, and had submitted it just moments ago, deducting her total grade by a couple points due to it being passed late, but she didn't mind. Not when she had an excuse to go to the coffee shop everyday, and admire the stranger from afar.

It felt stalkerish of her to be so drawn towards a person she's never even met. Hell, she felt wrong sketching his face from afar, which was why her paintings were of him, but never of his face. The only painting she had where it was clear as day who it might've been, would be the third piece she had given to her professor.

It was of his eyes. Something about his eyes in particular, stood out to the young girl. The way it switched when he was alone, and the way it would all of a sudden turn sweet and friendly once he had someone talking to him. The duality of his persona captivated Nara.

The professor had asked Nara who it was on all of her paintings, but even she didn't know. It wasn't like she was going to admit to her professor that she had been sketching a stranger. So, her default answer was, a friend, which was a total and utter lie.

So, there she sat, in the coffee shop she had regularly, no, religiously visited, with her two best friends. Her excuse this time, was she wanted coffee - which, she did, but that wasn't the only reason she was there. She wanted to see him, indulge his beauty and admire the features on his face.

She sounded completely obsessed over the man, but she wasn't, at least that's what she told herself. Perhaps, she had a small crush on the stranger that went to the same cafe as her, but even then, she never really considered it a crush. A small attraction, maybe.

But could you blame her? The man was an absolute work of art. She would find herself hoping that he knew how beautiful he was, because people nowadays tend to forget the masterpiece inside of them, be it appearance, and talent.

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