Chapter 5.

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(Y/N's POV)

I was falling.

I reached my hand out, attempting to grasp the endless crevasse of the unnatural sky, while holding onto my sanity as blurs of the sky swirled by. Angels were above me, all chanting my name in a rather demonic manner, their expressions mirroring the angel next to them and the angel next to them - They all wore the same face.

The same face with the same small nose, the same unpleasant smile, the same empty eyes.
Those empty eyes, that were watching me fall, fall into the void, where I will never be seen again.

In one piece.

I blinked twice, saying nothing, only being able to hear an unprecedented static noise in the back of my mind. The nature of the nightmare staining my thoughts as my breath became ragged; it almost felt like a hypodermic of adrenaline penetrated my body.

I listened to the darkness, almost expecting to hear a whisper from my dream, raising my hands up to my eye level, I realised I was trembling, my fingers shaking with such intensity as if the devil himself was after me - Although it certainly felt like it. A spurt of aforementioned adrenaline controlled me, rolling over to the side of the bed and getting up. My feet creaking against the numerous floor boards, I tripped over my own feet slightly, desperately trying to find indication of the safe reality of the situation, pulling the hood of my jumper over my head.

I ran my hands down the encryptions in the wall of the corridor as I walked down it at quite a speed, reaching the lobby of the hotel.

'H-Hello?' I whispered harshly to the chasm of darkness.

'Hello?' A gruff voice replied to me, in the direction of the bar.

I wasn't particularly expecting a reply, nevertheless I approached the bar, predicting to see a half unconscious Husk, for the amount of alcohol he bought at the store earlier.

Going against my hypothesis, Husk was very much conscious, bottles of cheap booze scattered around him as he perched on the stool attached to the bar. I hadn't noted the appearance of the bar at my arrival, but it seemed oddly outrageous how I did not notice its unique features.

The bar had discoloured curtains draped around the support poles, wooden spirals entwined around it, engraved with characteristics resemblant to snakes. As the main centrepiece, there was a twisted deer head skeleton, its antlers of majestic length, overcasting a shadow on the whole bar. Neon green signs decorated upper wall, each advertising some type of booze. The neon green theme carried on in the lower wall, blackjack patterns etched into the stone with skeleton heads along the corners.

Husk's claws clamped around the neck of yet another bottle of spirits, he drew his focus away from the drink and stared at me.
'What are you doing up?' He asked, looking me up and down in my unchanged set of clothes.

'Could say the same to you,' I sat next to him, earning a raise of an eyebrow from Husk. Without warning, I took a swig of whatever alcohol was on the table next to me that the cat demon discarded.

'You shouldn't drink you know, you don't want to turn out like me, with an addiction,' he gestured to his current state.

'Since when did you care?' I gave him a side glance, further complicating things, I swear I saw a sweep of pink blush across his cheeks, but it was gone before I could inspect, or rather tease, him about it.

'As much as I used to be an angel, I don't abide by their stupid rules anymore,' I nearly spat with the amount of venom my speech contained.

Husk looked at me, an unreadable expression on his face, his multiple eyebrows knitted in an angry angle.

An Angel Among Sins - Husk x Fallen Angel!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now