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we finish eating and get in the car. "who's driving?" kai says. "not you" roshaun says as everyone laughs. "i cant fuck with yall" kai says.

"ill drive" mattia says. we all nod and get comfortable in the car. we blast music and sing along. these are the best times.

once we got to the carnival, all the boys looked like little five year olds, it was adorable.

they were all jumping around and running to every game they could find. me and the girls ran to a game that you could win a giant stuffed animal. we looked at eachother and nodded.

after minutes we couldn't get it, then i saw mattia come over. "what are you guys doing" he says. "well we're tryna get that giant pink unicorn but we suck ass at this game" i say.

mattia grabs the ball and knocks down 3/4 pins. all of our mouths dropped to an "o" shape.

i looked at mattia and jumped in his arms. "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU" i yell while planting kisses on his cheek. mattia laughs and puts me down, "you're welcome lex"

the rest of the time we went on rollercoasters and shit and i was holding my unicorn everywhere i went.

me and mattia decided to sit out on the last rollercoaster because we were tired asf. "thanks for winning me the unicorn" i giggle. "no problem, it was funny seeing you so excited" he says while laughing.

we heard kairi scream on the rollercoaster and we just sat there laughing. it was night time now, there were fireworks.

i pointed you them, "they look so pretty" i say with the reflection of the fireworks in my eyes. i felt mattia starting at me but i just kept looking up. i rested my head on his shoulder.

the boys, vic and taylor finally got off the ride, they looked like they were about to throw up.

"never going on that ride again." vic groans. "LETS DO THAT AGAIN" kai comes out jumping. "yeahh no we're going home." i say.

everyone groans and gets in the car.

we drive home to loud music and we all felt free.

when me and mattia waited for everyone on the roller coaster, i felt something. but he's my best friend, and plus ive had my eye on someone in school for a while.

it was you ; m.p.Where stories live. Discover now