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18 August,1995

Most days at Grimmald Place were spent trying to clean and de-dark magic the house. While the house did have a house elf but he didn't seem to do much work. Today's task was the study, Ron and Harry was trying to take the horrible tapestries off the wall to no avail and Sirius was working on cleaning out the writing desk. Hermione and I had finished chucking all the books on dark magic in to the bin, then moved on to the large filing cabinet. As I go to open it Sirius shouts "Lyra don't open that I think it has-" but it was too late.

A boggart emerged from the cabinet immediately fixating on me. I had faced boggarts before, in my third year in DADA I fought a giant snake; but this time it was no snake, it was my father. Standing there with angry in his eyes and a sickening smile across his face. I froze a mix of fear and shame rushing over me.

"Riddikkulos" Sirius said quietly, sending my father away with a flick of his wand.

I could feel everyone staring at me, full of pity, like I was some sort of lost puppy. Hermione stepped toward me and put her hand on my shoulder, but I shrugged it off. I couldn't breath, it felt like the walls were closing in on me. It was all to personal it felt like I was naked. I never talked about my family, but now they all knew, in just a few seconds they learned all of my secrets.

I just started running, I locked my self in the bathroom, sat on the floor, and for the first time since running away, I let myself cry.


I couldn't tell how long I had been in there when I heard a timid knock on the door.

"Please go away." I said trying my best to keep my voice steady. I didn't to talk to anyone and I would die if Sirius or Mrs. Weasley saw me like this. I never cry in front of people, I never cry at all actually.

Who ever it was I wished they would go away. It was George who pushed the door open, he sat down next to me..

"Ron told me what happened" He started quietly.

"Please Georgie, I don't want to talk about it." I went to wipe my eyes , but he pulled my hand away and interlaced our fingers. We sat there quietly for a while, I rested my head on his shoulder, letting my tears get his t-shirt damp.

"You didn't run away because your parents are deatheaters?"

"Well it definitely a contributing factor" I said trying to brush it off as a joke.


"You really want to know?" I asked turning around so I could look at him.

"I really do."

I hesitated for a moment before pulling off my shirt. My back and chest were littered scars; small and large; old and new; faded and fresh.

"Merlin, your parents did this?"

"Yeah"I said quietly. He came closer taking them all in.

"Do they hurt?" He brushed his hand over the newer marks.

"Like hell at first but you get used to it" I said pulling my shirt back on.

"How long?" George asked hesitantly.

"Forever really. When I was kid it was just a few lashes here and there for talking out of turn or breaking the rules, normal stuff." Judging by the look on George's face, it was not as normal as I thought. "But after going to Hogwarts, being sorted in to Gyffindor, it got worse. I was never the daughter they wanted, that just confirmed it. So them came down harder, tried to fix me. -And well." I just gestured to my back not wanting to go on.

"Shit Ly, I uh I don't know what to say."

"Please don't I want to be done talking about it."

He just pulled me into his arms and kissed the top of my head. "Whatever you need Star-girl"

Perfect Purebloodजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें