Chapter 1; Burned

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A spark ignited into a flame, the screams of a sorcerer went in the air, drowned out by the cheers of those around the scene.

There stood Alex, a cloak covering her body as she watched another one of her friends get burned at the cross. Alex hid her face, hiding the tears that she shed. Those around her pushing and bumping her, fists in the air, "Burn the witch! Burn the witch!" They'd cheer, as the girl screams in agony. 

The putrid smell filled the air, amplified by the stench of sweat from those around her. The woman hissed and wheezed, coughing violently as she cried, but no matter how many tears she shed, it wasn't enough to kill the fire.

Smoke was filling her lungs, her body was being cooked, it was as if hell was consuming her body to create a medium-rare meal, a gruesome sight.

After a few more minutes of screaming, coughing, choking, and crying, the victim fell limp, the fire still roared over her body, she was passed out, but would be killed any minute. 

The cheers continued to grow, "No god can help her find her way! She deserves nothing but hellfire!" Alex began to sob, looking to the ground, trying not to look but the stink was far too distracting. 

The gathering began to die down and Alex left the crowd, going into her house. It was to the edge of town, next to a thick forest, multiple rumors spread about the woods, kids refused to go near it, but Alex loved this forest.

It's the only place she could be herself with her friends without being imprisoned. She walked inside, shutting and locking the door behind her. The sky began to die, Alex smiled weakly at the sight. 

She pulled down her hood and walked to a corner of her little cottage, pulling out some of her floorboards. Underneath was a book of witchcraft, it had a pentagram on it and it was dirty. Alex hid it under the floorboards due to the town's obsession with the slaughter of witches, constantly checking women's houses to look for witchcraft. 

She grabbed the book, dusting it off and waiting for dusk to end for her to go out. In the meantime, she made herself a meal of bread and fish. She had to get more water soon, she was running short of it. 

The call of an owl alerted Alex that nightfall had come upon her. She finished her meal and grabbed her book, putting a hood over her head and running out of her house and into the woods.

She scurried deeper into the forest, the rustling of bushes and snapping of twigs followed her, but it didn't startle her. It was normal. 

Eventually, Alex reached into one of the deepest parts of the forest, she slowed her pace and began to walk through, moving vines out of the way and found the clearing.

There was a small lake, and plenty of flowers. Above rested a moon and the stars, the peaceful lake reflected them and shimmered beautifully. The grass was long and soft, the trees surrounding this area were thick and had small hidden trap doors on them. 

Waiting for her were the rest of the witches. Namely were Alex's best friends; Jade and Charli. The three were the leaders of the gatherings.

"Late again?" Jade asked, Alex giggled awkwardly, "Yeah, I don't want to be caught."

It fell silent, sadness was thick tonight.

"I'm gonna miss her." Said one of the girls, having one of them be burned was common, but it was always depressing. "Shall we mourn her tonight?" Another suggested, the rest of the witches nodded in agreement. 

"Alright everyone, go get a flower and we'll take them to the river after enchanting them." Charli commanded, everyone left the area in search for flowers. 

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