Chapter 4

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Fury said to Anna, "Why do you hate your mother so much?"

Anna looked at him and said," What isn't there to hate? She didn't want me when I was in her womb. She couldn't abort me so she tried to kill me. Ahh.. I still hear the story from Dad. Then after I was born she tried to give me up for adoption and then Dad adopted me."

Fury then spoke," Well, Then you will be glad to hear that she isn't alive."

Anna smirked and said, "Ahh... The future isn't in hell then."

Fury said, "You were kidnapped by HYDRA -"

At this Anna interrupted Fury, "HYDRA was demolished during World War II."

Fury looked at her and said, "No, it wasn't. They went underground. But we checked you and we couldn't find any sort of brainwashed or substantial elements inside you which was inserted by HYDRA."

Anna looked at the table and said, "That's odd. Why keep me if I have no use for it?..... Unless..Of course... Ahh ha...They need my blood, They experimented with my blood." She gave a thrumpaint smile.

Fury said with confusion written on his whole face, "Why would they need your blood?"

Everyone in the next room was also confused.

Anna said, "Is this really the future? Cause you guys have no information about the past. Besides you are the director of S.H.I.E.L.D
if anyone knew it was supposed to be you."

Fury looked enraged and said,"What should I have known?"

Anna said, "My birth father?"

Fury said, "Right, Who is your father?"

Anna said, "In my time only three people really knew about my father but the whole world knew that I was adopted by dad."

Fury then said, "So, who is your father?"

Anna said, "I don't really speak of him. No, I respect him. His great but he never really was my dad, was he?"

Fury then said clearly irritated,".....So"

Anna then said clearly uncomfortable, "Umm, why don't I say my birth name, huh."

Fury then said,"....Yes"

Anna looked really uncomfortable and said, "itsannabuchananrogers."

Everyone couldn't understand what she said because she said it at like 15-mile-per-hour speed. Fury said, "Couldn't catch that."

Now, Anna looked irritated, "My name is Anna.Buchanan.Rogers."

And silence in both rooms.

It's all for today loves...Bye..❤❤.

Date:- 30/07/2020

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