Unfulfilled Promises, Muffins, and Pyromaniacs

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The early morning was shrouded in shadows as a small, catlike girl carefully creeped through her room, taking care not to awake the monstrosity of a creature just next door. Despite it being her first day of junior year at a new school, Catra put little effort into her appearance; simply slipping on an old Slipknot hoodie and jeans, not bothering to wear a shirt underneath because there was no way in hell she was letting anyone get a look at her arms.

After debating wether or not to even try to conquer her wild mess of hair, and deciding on just wearing a red athletics headband, Catra grabbed her bag and carefully tip-toed down the stairs. She felt her stomache rumble and putting caution to the wind she started to make her way to the greasy looking refrigerator in the midst of the yellowed, smoggy kitchen in that of an even smoggier apartment thay always seemed to reek of alcohol . She had hardly laid a hand on the fridge when she felt a cold hand wrap around her own.

Catra' s breath hitched. "And what do you think your doing" Ms. Weavers said in a bone-chilling whisper.

"I-" Catra mentally scolded herself on the fear that clearly tinted her voice. Fear was a sign of weakness, and Catra was not weak. She straightened her shoulders and whipped around to face her caretaker. "I was trying to eat something before a certain dementor woke up, but apparently i was too late" Catra knew she fucked up by the way Ms. Weavers eyes narrowed.

"Ungrateful child you have no right to talk to me like that! Out of the kindness in my soul I took in 2 children and of course the only one worthy of oxygen left because YOU drove her away" That one hit Catra like a bus and she froze in place for a second, then sprinted towards the door before Ms. Weaver could grow physical. She heard a crash behind her but it was too late because Catra was long gone.

Fuck Ms. Weaver, Adora didn't leave because of you, she left because she was granted a great opportunity, it wasn't because of you. Catra whispered over and over again to herself as she walked towards the bus stop.

Maybe, but you weren't good enough to make her stay

You know what, thinking before 8 a.m is over rated she decided, and
slipped in her ear buds and disappeared into a world of music.

Adora POV
Adora woke up before her alarm and practically flew out of her bed, allowing herself exactly .06 seconds to yawn before preparing for her first day of junior year.

She stared at herself in her mirror as she tied her hair up into its usual ponytail. "Good morning Adora. Today is your first day of junior year" she spoke to her reflection. "Step one, get dressed. Step 2, meet Glimmer and Bow at the corner to walk. Step 3, get your schedule, and get through the day. Make sure to get on your teachers good sides and ace your classes. Step 4, dominate basketball tryouts tomorrow. Step 5, get a scholarship to college. Step 6, ride off into your bright future like a cowboy into the sun." Sounded easy enough. Still, there was doubt that nagged at the back of her mind, as well as something else. Guilt. She had always dreamed of starting junior year with her best friend, Catra. Well, she wasn't sure if They were still best friends but that didn't matter. They would have eaten lunch out side together. Gone to football games just to make fun of the douches playing and to avoid going home. They would have gone to homecoming and probably prom together since they would most certainly not find dates. Yet here Adora was, without her. Why? Because Adora broke her promise to always be there. Adora left her best friend alone in a mentally, and if her suspicions were correct, physically abusive foster home. Catra would never show fear, but Adora knew her well enough to know that Ms. Weaver scared her. A lot.
"I have to go Adora! Toast is on the table!" Her cousin Mara's voice tore Adora out of her thoughts. After quickly glancing over her clothes; pink leggings, a white blouse, and a gold chain necklace, and making sure to pack spare basketball sneakers, Adora sprinted downstairs. Ready for the rest of her life.

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