Posters and Power

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*I am so sorry been a long week and I forgot about this story until I got a notif lol*

Adora POV
"After everything! We welcome her to our school, we buy her coffee and after everything she runs against us!" Glimmer wails into the crisp September air as the Best Friends Squad sat under a tree outside for lunch.

"Well she's running against you" Adora pointed out.

"Oh come on Adora. Who's side are you on?!" Glimmer complained

"Yours! It's just- I'm sure Catra has good intentions and it's not like she's going  against you."

"Yeah she's running for herself!" Bow chimed in, recoiling at Glimmers withering glare.


"Woah woah woah calm down. We are 100% on your side and just to prove it I called up a friend and look what we made in art elective this morning!" Bow stood up in an explosion of jazz hands (shut up and let me see you jazz hand;) I had too srry lol) 

"Ah! Wait Bow I'm coming!" Perfuma was running towards the group adorned in a pink and green romper and let out a squel as they worked together to heave a poster out of her sachel. Adora had no artistic talent whatsoever but she had to admit, the painting was crazy good. It was a detailed, cartoony version of Glimmer Ruby the Riveter style with the caption 'We Can Make A Change; Glimmer For Student Body President'

Glimmers jaw dropped. Her smile grew tenfold and she looked on the verge of tears "It's beautiful!! Aww guys I love you so much!" She threw her arms around the three and Adora couldn't help but laugh at her friends sudden change in moods. But as her friends fell to the grass on laughter and Bow scolded everyone about how they'd crumple the poster, Adora couldn't help but think of her old friend. It was just so unlike her. Catra hated organized school events, she said they 'weighed her down' and public speaking? But still, even if she was running against her friend, Adora was proud of her. She's doing something.

Catra POV

Catra was really regretting her choice now. Student government? But she couldn't just drop out of the race, the thin walls of pride she had spent so much time building up were to valuable to her to be broken. So she had one option. Win. How hard could it be?

Turned out, it was exhausting. "Hey Wildcat! So I was thinking we could do more lunch? We don't have to I just figured as part of your campaign team we should like, sit together but-" Catra cut her off.

"Sure, Scorpia" Scorpia beamed as she practically dragged her friend to one of the small picnic tables.

"What if..." while Scorpia came up with an endless list of ideas Catra drifted off. She realized she was running against Adora and her friends. Oops. They'd probably hate her for that, well if they didn't already. The purple one didn't seem that fond of her to begin with. That didn't matter though. Everyone hated her eventually. Some are just sooner rather then later.

3rd Person POV
The following week was eventful to say the least. While Glimmer passed out colorful stickers and spent tedious  hours on carefully worded speeches, Catra threw sharp looks and the occasional cigarette, improvising whenever time called for her to speak to her peers. The results however were puzzling. Students talked to Glimmer and the Best Friend Squad, but only to ask for things such as homework answers or pencils, to which was often met by a lecture from Bow on the importance of being prepared and not relying on the kindness of classmates. Catra however   was treated almost like an authority figure. She cleverly made sure to always be at the sight of fights, drugs, and less then legal activities. When the people involved saw her watching from the shadows, giving a meek look practically begging not to be tattled on, they were met with a wink, or a sly grin. It was nothing short of blackmail, but it worked. Catra had power. She stood a bit taller, she made eye contact, she sat in the cafeteria. She was in control. She was winning. And she loved it. For once she was able to push the thought of her Ex-Best friend out of her mind. She took to spending time with Scorpia. She would never admit it, and if Scorpia ever asked she would just scoff and make some sarcastic statement, but Catra rather liked that one Thursday evening the two had spent playing board games. With elections in a week and homecoming approaching fast, the steady beating of the September days were nice. It wasnt perfect but for Catra, it was so much better. Of course for her, nothing could stay that way for long .

Heyyy, I'm gonna try to actually have some sort of updating schedule lol . Also, I could honestly write about fall forever I love it so much. Like all the summer sadness is gone but its before winter anxiety and things just feel decently okay. Anyway, remember to vote, drink water, breathe some oxygen, cya soon!

Sty Fr Th Ftr; Catradora High School AuWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu