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Adora POV

Adora was stressed out of her mind about homecoming. Embarrassingly enough, she had never been to any of the school dances before. She wasn't one to enjoy large party scenes, preferring instead quiet monopoly in Bow's basement. Only now she had to go since Glimmer was organizing it.

"Oooh, how about one of these! " Bow, having had his suit drycleaned days in advance, had took to helping the girls find suitable clothes. Specifically Adora, who rarely ventured outside of leggings and champion hoodies. Tired of the dress shopping, she grabbed the stack from Bow and stalked into the changing room.

The first dress Adora tried on was hideous. The second was nice enough, but the third took her breath away. It was simple, flowy, long, and it made Adora feel like a princess. And it was red. Catra's favorite color. She quickly shook the thought from her head, this isn't about Catra, she reminded herself.

Catra POV

Your doing this for Scorpia. Your doing this for Scorpia. Your doing this for Scorpia. Catra whispered to herself as she walked. This was a horrible idea. She clung to Scorpias arm tighter,only to be gently nudge off

"I'm gonna get us some drinks wildcat, I'll be right back" She said, giving her a reassuring smile.

"Wait!" Catra softly cried out. Now she felt even more alone. This big dance thing full of color, and couples, and tacky decorations. Sure, Catra had been to parties before, but those usually consisted of burn out kids smoking and drinking in some dingy basement. This, was completely out of her league.  I need some air. She thought, carefully slipping into the hallway. With her back against the wall, she slowly slid down, resting her head between her knees.

"What are you doing out here?" Oh god. That voice lived in Catra's head, she could recognize it easily.

"I could ask the same to you"

Adora POV

Typical Catra. Worry her sick by going missing for who knows how long, only to wind up at the school dance and greet her with a snarky response. Not only that but she looked hot. Even though it appeared she hadn't slept in weeks, and she looked like she needed a good meal, but she was wearing a red suit that perfectly hugged her figure, and she looked good. Adora wanted more then anything to put their differences aside, sit next to her, and just enjoy her company. But right now, Adora's pissed. She let out a deep breath, trying to let go of her anger, and slid down the wall next to Catra

"I just needed some air. Are you okay? You seem..." Catra cut her off

"Gee Adora, I know I look like crap, no need to rub it in" she sighed. She seemed so... defeated. Weak. Emotions she almost never tried to show.
"Nononono! I didn't mean that! You look good. Like really good but like no! I didn't mean it like that it's just-" Adora was red and flustered at this point. Catra let out a dry laugh, then reached up to Adora's face, causing the girl to flush more. In one swift motion, she took out Adora's hairtie, sliding it onto her wrist.

"You look nice with your hair down. I mean, you always look nice but..." She trailed off. Adora could feel her heart fluttering

"Uh, thanks" The two sat in silence for awhile. It wasnt as awkward as one would expect. After a few minutes Adora took notice of Catra's head bobbing along to the beat of the song coming from the gymnasium. A song Adora recognized. Their favorite song from when they were kids. "One night and one more time" Adora sang along softly, causing a grin to creep onto the other girls face.

"Thanks for the memories, even if they weren't so great" her raspy voice joined in. At this small sign of connection, Adora was on her feet, dragging the catlike girl with her. "He tastes like you only sweeter" And soon they were dancing. In the washed out light from the glowing gymnasium, in the smelly gym hallway. Like their younger selves had on their shared room. Both smiling slightly, both knowing the words by heart from their youthful obsession, both thinking of the same thing. Each other. They were holding hands and goofily stumbling along, messily, chaoticly, intoxicated by the other, yet they both had smiles on their faces and just for that night they were living in each others world.

"Thanks for the memories thanks for the memories!" And as the final chorus rang out they were both singing, not even caring if anyone else heard. It was euphoric "see, he tastes like you only sweeter!" And as the song faded out the girls were now aware of how close they were. Adora wondered if Catra could feel her heart beating because it just seemed oh so loud. They were holding hands and just gazing into each others eyes, right there in the gym hallway. And then they were both leaning it, caught in a trance. But Catra seemed to panic. Conflicted, unsteady, a whole lot of things. And instead of the moment Adora had hoped for, Catra instead whispered in her ear

"Thanks, Adora" and before Catra could pull away, making one of her moody, dramatic exists, Adora wrapped her arms tightly around the girl. Catra melted into Adora's embrace and they stayed like that, in that hallway. They stayed like that for awhile.

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