Scars And Speeches

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Catra POV
Catra was sitting, curled up in the corner of her bed. It was nearly midnight but she didnt care. The image of Ms Weaver looming over her as she just sat there helplessly hurt her more then the still raw gash on her collarbone. She knew it shouldn't. Ms Weaver had hated her since forever, she never stood a chance. So Catra didn't know why it bothered her so much. But it did. How come everything she did was viewed as a mistake? As never enough? She wasn't even good enough to make anyone stay. Her own parents left her by the side of the road as a baby. Her best and only friend was gone. But that's okay. Because you don't need anyone. She glanced down at her arm. It was lacerated with old scars. Some shallow and faded, others a deep ugly brown. She was two weeks clean today. See, you did that all by yourself. You fixed yourself. You don't need Ms Weaver or Parents or friends or anyone. But then as always her mind drifted back. To Adora. What about her? Today she climbed  all the way up a tree just to invite you to coffee and stop you from smoking. Yeah, because shes Adora. She needs to play the hero. That doesn't change the fact that she still left. But she didnt leave her. Catra tried to convince herself. She left because she found an amazing opprotunity to live with her family in a rich neighborhood, and get out of this dump. But what about you. You loved her more then anyone in that princess town could have. It didn't matter what the world threw at you because you would have eachother. Thats what she said. But you still weren't good enough to make her stay. Catra was on the verge of tears now. Which was strange, it had been a long time since Catra let herself cry. Don't cry, she told herself. Because look at what happened earlier. You weren't good enough to make her stay, but for some reason she still came back.  But she's just gonna leave again. Catra's conflicting emotions were to much for her. She collapsed in a heap on her bed. Dozing off into a fitful sleep. Okay, Catra is complicated as hell, and her emotions change so quickly in the show, I tried to mimic that here, but it didn't work as nicely as I wanted it too. Sorry if its confusing!

Adora POV

With no knowledge of Catra's breakdown, Adora was on cloud nine. Sure, Catra and the Best Friends Squad didn't click right away, but the fact that Catra showed up, Bow didn't cry and Glimmer didn't blow something up was enough to convince Adora she could get her best friend back.

The sun had only just begun to peek over the tips of the trees as Adora carefully left her house, careful not to wake up her sleeping cousin. The air was a bit chilly but she didnt bother with a jacket because she knew she would be sweating soon. Today was the first day of cross country practice. The cross country team has two practices every day, one in the morning and one after school. It's mandatory to go to at least one and since she agreed to help Glimmer after school, she was stuck with morning practice.

After checking in with Coach Lighthope Adora began to run in the middle of the pack. She was okay at running, but she mostly did it to stay in shape for basketball season. You know, Catra's really good at running. Adora smiled a bit, yesterday Catra was right, she does spend a lot of time in Adora's thoughts. But it was true, she was amazing at running. Overall, Adora's morning was pretty peaceful. That ended as soon as she saw Glimmer pacing in front of her locker

"Opening speeches are at assembly today. Oh my god Adora their gonna hate me" she fretted. Glimmer was running for student body president and opening campaign speeches were today. Naturally, she was kinda freaked out

" Relax, Glimmer. You're a natural born leader and you're competition is like, that kid who picks their nose. You'll be fine" Adora tried to reassure her. "This is stressing you out though, maybe we should try and talk about something else.?"

"Oh. My. God. Glimmer your speech is in like, less then an hour. Ah!" Bow ran up to the girls and squealed. "What if the microphone break midway? Or somebody has a seizure in the middle? Or-"

"Bow, shut up or I will burn all your crop tops and make you wear hoodies" Adora cut him off. The boy attempted to fake offense and cover his exposed middrift.

".... And that, Brightmoon High, is why I am asking you to vote for me, to make this school a better place." Glimmer finished, beaming proudly at the listless applause of bored students.

"YEAH GLIMMER! WOO" Bow and Adora SCREAMED at the top of their lungs and  earning stares from their peers.

"Okay, I think that was the last one! Unless, does anybody else want to give  a speech?" The principal called out. The gymnasium had never been more silent. "Okay the-"

"Hold up. I'd like to speak" Adora's jaw practically hit the floor. She could recognize that sly, raspy voice from anywhere. And it was the last person she expected to participate in any organized school event.

Catra POV
Catra didn't know what came over her, or why she volunteered. Maybe she needed an outlet, or something to control or just a way to force people to listen to what she had to say. Whatever it was, she found herself standing in front of a microphone, in front of the entire school. It would be nerve wracking for most people, but she had nothing to lose so what harm could it do?

"Helloooo Princess Preparatory or whatever you're called" she began, sarcasm apparent in her voice. "You guys should vote for me because..." now she was regretting her spur of the moment decision. "Let's face it, you need me. This school seems great if you already have your entire life planned out. Sure some people, like a majority of the other candidates actually have something going for them but hey, what about the other 90%? What about us? Shouldn't we have a chance? Shouldn't we have a student body that speaks for us? A student body that represents..." she paused for a second "the people" that's good that's good she thought with a smirk, shed heard it in some dumb movie before and the crowd was sucking it up through a straw "So, Brightmoon High" she smirked at the mix of familiar faces and new faces showing some interest in what she was saying. "I am not begging you to vote for me. I am offering an opprotunity to the stoners, the depressed, and the people with absolutely no direction, a place to start." She grinned at the applause she received. Much louder in fact, then the people who spoke before her. She took quiet notice of how Adora's sparkly friend looked angry, the crop top boy seemed kind of nervous and Adora herself just seemed...shocked.

As she walked out she was met by a giant hug from Scorpia "Oh my god wildcat I am so proud of you. You're participating in an organized school event! Can i be part of your campaign team?" She gushed. Catra frowned, she did this as a one time thing, she didnt actually plan on what to do next. Whatever I mean, how hard could it be?

Lol this chapter is pretty bad. My school district doesn't do student government so I have no idea how it works😂 I do not own the She ra characters and have a good day!

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